General Synod 2004 The Anglican Church of Canada
Primatial Electionn
Election Results
The Election Process
Nominee Profiles

Web Cast
Anglican Journal
Daily Report
General Synod Times

Media Kit
Media Registration
News Releases

Arriving at Synod
Brock University Map
Reports and Resolutions

General Synod 2001

Daily Report
Convening Circular
Council of General Synod
Orders of the Day
Sessional Committees
Standing Committees
Reports and Resolutions

General Synod Planning

General Synod Planning Committee

Mr. Peter Irish (Chair)

Diocese of Fredericton

Archdeacon Jim Boyles

General Secretary

Mrs. Dorothy Davies-Flindall


The Rev. Dr. Stephen Hopkins

Diocese of Niagara

The Ven. Bruce McPetrie

Co-Chair Local Arrangements Committee

The Rev. Nicholas Parker

Diocese of New Westminster

The Very Rev. Bob Osborne

Diocese of Rupert’s Land

The Ven. Marion Vincett

Co-Chair Local Arrangements Committee

The Very Rev. Peter Wall

Chair, Worship Committee

The Rev. Andrew Wesley

Anglican Council of Indigenous People

Ms. Dianne Izzard


Ms. Margaret Shawyer


Diocese of Niagara Local Arrangements Committee

The Ven. Bruce McPetrie


The Ven. Marion Vincett


Ms. Carol Spence

Companions Program

The Rev. Dan Bennett


Ms. Dawn Alexander-Wiggins

Children’s Program

The Rev. Kristine Swire

Installation Dinner Reception

The Rev. John Ripley
The Rev. Canon Charles Stirling


The Rev. Canon Keith Whittingham

Delegate Services/Conceirge

The Rev. Canon David Browing

Niagara Reception

Worship Committee

The Very Rev. Peter Wall

Chair Diocese of Niagara

The Ven. Donna Ball

Rupert’s Land

The Rev. Lynne Corfield

Diocese of Niagara

The Rev. Sharyn Hall

Diocese of Niagara

Dr. Ken Hull

Diocese of Huron

Ms. Valerie Kerr

Diocese of Niagara

Mr. Angus Sinclair

Diocese of Huron

Captain the Rev. Canon Michelle Staples

Canadian Forces

Dr. Eileen Scully


The Rev. Dr. Michael Thompson


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This site is maintained by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada.

The content on this website is for informational purposes only. In case of a discrepancy between the content of this website and printed material produced by General Synod, the printed version is to be considered correct.