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Memorials to General Synod 2004


Blessing of Same SexUnions

That this Synod memorialize General Synod as follows:

  • That being essentially a doctrinal matter, the question of the blessing of unions between persons of the same gender belongs in the jurisdiction of General Synod and should be resolved by that body;
  • And we urge General Synod to continue the examination of scripture and doctrine with a view to undersanding the teachings of scripture as they relate to the needs of a changing society and the evolving understanding of human sexuality.


Amendments to Canon XXI

That this Synod receive the proposed amendments to the Marriage Canon and commend them to General Synod for second reading.


Interest Accrued on Residential Schools Settlement Money

That the interest that will accrue on the $25 million Residential School Settlement Fund be apportioned to the National Healing and Reconciliation Fund.


On the Issue of Blessing of Same Sex Unions by the Diocese of Fredericton

That this Diocesan Synod affirms and upholds the teaching of the Church and calls on the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada to affirm and uphold the teaching of the Holy Scriptures and the Church:

  1. that marriage is the lifelong union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others; and
  2. that no clergy person may bless any union or marriage of persons of the same sex; and that the Synod directs the Secretary of the Synod to
  3. memorialize this motion to the meeting of the General Synod of 2004.


Blessing of Same Sex Unions

MOTION: Stephanie DeForest/James Beattie

`that the Synod of the Diocese of Niagara 2003 forward the memorial from Niagara’s Youth Synod 2003 to General Synod 2004.’


Therefore, please accept the following memorial from Youth Synod 2003 to General Synod 2004.  

Youth Synod 2003 Memorial


At the 2003 Youth Synod held at St. James in Dundas a discussion took place regarding the issue of same sex unions in the Anglican Church. Some of the points made were as follows:

  • We are taught in church to love and accept all people
  • People choose to be together in a union or marriage because of love, so what place does the church have in saying what love is right and what love is wrong.
  • There was confusion as to why we were discussing “unions” and not “marriages” and the Bishop clarified this issue*
  • For couples who seek church “unions” or “marriages”, they are stating that they want to make God part of their relationship and that spiritual journey is part of who they are together. Is this something that we as a church want to deny?
  • How can we as a church proclaim to forgive people for their sins yet deny people a blessing for their love?


This Youth Synod believes that everyone is equal in the eyes of God. We also recognize there are differences of opinion on the issue of same gender unions and marriages in the church, but we still believe that the blessing of same gender unions should be recognized by the Anglican Church of Canada.

* This discussion took place prior to the Ontario Court of Appeal decision of June 10, 2003. Therefore, same sex marriages were not considered by this Youth Synod.


St. George’s Church, Harriston

That the Secretary of Synod of Niagara concurs with the decision of the Vestry of St. George’s Church, Harriston to transfer to the Diocese of Huron.


Blessing of Same Sex Unions

That this Synod Memorialize General Synod 2004 that the subject of Blessing Same Sex Unions has come before the Synod of the Diocese of Ottawa.


St. George’s Church , Harriston

That this Synod of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario consents to the transfer of St. George’s, Harriston, congregation, building, and assets, from the Diocese of Niagara to the Diocese of Huron


Resolved that this Synod of the Province of Rupert’s Land petition General Synod to amend the Revisions Proposed to Canon XXI on first reading at the General Synod, July 2001, in order that:

  1. Dioceses have the option of retaining an Ecclesiastical Matrimonial Commission.

    Resolved that this Synod of the Province of Rupert’s Land petition General Synod to amend the Revisions Proposed to Canon XXI on first reading at the General Synod, July 2001, in order that:

  2. In dioceses who choose not to retain an Ecclesiastical Matrimonial Commission, that Applications for Permission to Remarry according to the Rites of the Anglican Church be made to the Diocesan Bishop.

    Resolved that this Synod of the Province of Rupert’s Land petition General Synod to amend the Revisions Proposed to Canon XXI on first reading at the General Synod, July 2001, in order that

  3. In cases where an application, or parts thereof, has been delegated to an incumbent, a report of the action taken shall be forwarded to the Diocesan Bishop using the Form authorized in Section VI.30 of the Proposed Revisions to this Canon.

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