General Synod 2004 The Anglican Church of Canada
Primatial Electionn
Election Results
The Election Process
Nominee Profiles

Web Cast
Anglican Journal
Daily Report
General Synod Times

Media Kit
Media Registration
News Releases

Arriving at Synod
Brock University Map
Reports and Resolutions

General Synod 2001

Daily Report
Convening Circular
Council of General Synod
Orders of the Day
Sessional Committees
Standing Committees
Reports and Resolutions

Standing Committees of the General Synod

Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples

Rev. Andrew Wesley (Co-chair)
Mr. Todd Russell (Co-chair)
Rev. Arthur Anderson
Ms Erica Anaviapik
Rev. Frank Armistead
Rt. Rev. Andrew Atagotaaluk
Mr. Charles Bobbish
Ven. Sidney Black
Alternate: Noreen Plain Eagle
Mrs. Elizabeth Colin
Rev. Ron Evans
Alternate: Rev. Larry Beardy
Ms Marcie French
Mrs. Maria Jane Highway
Mr. Willard Martin
Mrs. Eunice McMahon
Mrs. Leena Metuq
Alternate: Rev. Iola Metuq
Mr. Vernon Morris
Alternate: Rev. Larry Beardy
Rev. Gloria Moses
Rev. Marion Schafer
Alternate: Rev. Mary Battaja
Mrs. Sherry Small
Mrs. Lorraine Still
Mrs. Jean Guanish-Vachon
Alternate: Mr. Jimmy James Einish
Rev. Canon Miles Venn
Alternate: Rev. Ruth Ross

Communications and Information Resources

Rev. Cheryl Kristolaitis (Chair)
Mr. Peter Bennett
Rev. Canon Prue Chambers
Mrs. Judy Darling
Rev. Keith Denman
Mr. Peter Irish
Ms Pat Kennedy
Rev. Ed Lewis
Mr. Tim Morgan
Ms Tanya Moxley
Rev. Stephen Muir
Rev. Brian Pearson
Mr. Jim Sweeny
Rev. Rob Towley

Anglican Journal Board

Rev. Rob Towler (Chair)
Ven. Jim Boyles
Mr. Vianney Carriere
Ms Lorie Chortyk
Mr. Keith Denman
Lt. Col. the Rev. John Fletcher
Rt. Rev. Andrew Hutchison
Rev. Ed Lewis
Mr. Robert Martin
Rev. Brian Pearson
Ms Ana Watts
Ms Molly Wolf
Rt. Rev. Donald Young

Council of the North

Most Rev. John Clark (Chair)
Rt. Rev. William Anderson
Rt. Rev. Charles Arthurson
Rt. Rev. David Ashdown
Rt. Rev. Andrew Atagotaaluk
Rt. Rev. Terrency Buckle
Rt. Rev. Anthony Burton
Rev. Rodney Clark
Most Rev. David Crawley
Rt. Rev. Donald Harvey
Rt. Rev. Paul Idlout
Rt. Rev. Caleb Lawrence
Rt. Rev. Gordon Light
Rt. Rev. James Njegovan
Rt. Rev. Larry Robertson
Rt. Rev. Bruce Stavert

EcoJustice Committee

Mrs. Susan Winn (Chair)
Ms Ethel Ahenakew
Rev. Kevin Arndt
Rt. Rev. David Ashdown
Ms Fiona Brownlee
Ms Jennifer Davis
Rev. Canon Terry deForest
Rev. Kenneth Gray
Rev. Douglas Highway
Dr. Dean Jeffries
Mr. Matthew Kett
Rt. Rev. Caleb Lawrence
Rt. Rev. Dr. Susan Moxley
Rev. Canon Baxter Park

Faith, Worship and Ministry

Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews (Chair)
Mrs. Ann Cruickshank
Dr. Walter Deller
Ms Maria Jane Highway
Rt. Rev. Fred Hiltz
Ven. Helena-Rose Houldcroft
Ven. Jane Humphreys
Mr. Dion Lewis
Rev. Michael Mills
Rev. Canon Boyd Morgan
Rev. Canon Dr. Kim Murray
Rev. Felix Orji
Rev. Dr. Paula Sampson
Captain Rev. Michelle Staples
Rev. Canon Murray Still
Very Rev. Peter Wall
Ms Lela Zimmer

Financial Management and Development Committee

Mr. Robert Dickson (Chair)
Rt. Rev. Rodney Andrews
Rev. Susan Barclay
Rev. Byron Barter
Ms Grace Delaney
Mr. Brian Hartsook
Mr. David Horrocks
Mr. Geoffrey Jackson
Mr. Stephen Koning
Mrs. Betty Livington
Mr. Fred Poulter
Rev. Canon David Reid

Partners in Mission

Mrs. Amy Newell (Chair)
Rt. Rev. Benjamin Arreak
Rev. Canon Kimberley Beard
Rt. Rev. French Chang-Him
Rt. Rev. Peter Coffin
Rev. Jennifer Davis
Mrs. Julia Davies
Ven. Jennifer Gosse
Ms Thelma Hansen
Ms Angelina Leggo
Rev. Stephen Leung
Ven. Godfrey Mawejje
Mr. Bob Morris
Revs. Edward and Kathleen Schmitt
Rev. John Alfred Steele
Mr. David Watts

Pensions Committee

Most Rev. Tom Morgan (Chair)
Canon Stephen Adams
Very Rev. R. Osborne
Ven. John Sharpe
Mr. Jim Stewart
Rt. Rev. Ann Tottenham
Rt. Rev. Donald Young

Appointed by the Pension Committee

Mr. Jamie Chochran
Canon Betty Gore
Canon Michael Iveson
Ven. Andrew Pike
Mr. David Stovel

Pension Fund Trustees

Mr. Ivor Quaggin (Chair)
Mr. Tom Abel
Ms Linda Barry-Hollowell
Ms Karen Bleasby
Ms Wendy Brodkin
Mr. Al Lamb
Most Rev. Tom Morgan
Ms Laura Solomonian

PWRDF Board of Directors

Ms Janet Dench (President)
Rev. Richard Bruyere
Ms Debra Fieguth
Rev. Raimundo Garcia-Franco
Mr. Klaus Gruber
Ms Denis Hambidge
Mrs. Cecily Hinton
Mr. Richard Johnston
Rev. Michael Karabelas
Prof. Paul Kingston
Rev. Ed Lewis
Ms Marion Lucas-Jeffries
Mr. Christopher Manning
Rt. Rev. Jim Njegovan
Dr. William Ogara
Ms Amanda Park
Rev. David Pointing
Ms Sheila Ritson-Bennett
Ms Kumudini Samuel
Ms Sherry Small
Mr. John Zoe

Mission Co-ordination Group

Two co-chairs appointed CoGS
Ms Cynthia Haines Turner
Rev. Bill Prentice
And a representative from each of the above committees

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This site is maintained by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada.

The content on this website is for informational purposes only. In case of a discrepancy between the content of this website and printed material produced by General Synod, the printed version is to be considered correct.