Continuing Education PlanReport to the Members of General Synod
Since it began in 1971, the Continuing Education Plan (CEP) has given hundreds of clergy and lay employees the opportunity to develop their interests, further their education, and enrich their lives. All members of the clergy automatically join the CEP on their first day of employment with a participating diocese. Lay employees of the Church or other participating organizations, may join the Plan with their employer’s approval. Not all dioceses have chosen to enroll their lay employees in the Plan. Upon joining the Plan, an account is set up for each member. The annual contribution rate is $600. The employer contributes 75% and the member contributes 25%. A bonus is paid each time the account is used. Continuing Education funds may be used for:
With the exception of the Diocese of Montreal (which has its own plan) all dioceses, the National Office and the Church Army participate in the Continuing Education Plan. As of December 31, 2003, 2385 members participate in the Plan compared to 2458 in 2001.
The Pension Office is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Plan. Policy decisions, educational support to members, and the authorization of sabbatical and special grants are the responsibility of the Continuing Education Administrative Unit. The Unit includes the Administrator of the Plan and five members appointed by the Pension Committee and meets twice a year. The cost of the meetings is minimal and is charged to the Fund.
It was agreed to restrict the amount which would be paid for computer hardware and software to $1,000.00 once every three years effective January 1, 2004 which will be administered as a rolling three-year average. The Unit believes that more emphasis needs to be placed on education and sabbatical leave as we are constantly hearing reports on the high level of stress that clergy are experiencing in today’s society. The results of the survey which was conducted indicated that the major stumbling block with respect to the sabbatical leave was funding. Therefore, the Unit felt that the members should be encouraged to accumulate funds for a sabbatical leave and that the Plan provide more funding towards this end.
In 2001, the number of grants was increased to 30 and the amount of the grant was increased to $3,000. Attached is a list of the number of dioceses/organizations which approved sabbatical leave over the past 3 years. (Appendix 1.A).
The Plan provides funding to the dioceses/organizations to enable them to mount educational events for their members (staff development days, clergy seminars, etc.). The amount of the grant is based on the number of actively participating members in each diocese/organization. The amount allocated for this purpose for the year 2003 was $58,475.
For quite some time, the CEP had provided each contributing member of the Plan with a subscription to the PMC magazine. The cost of the subscription was funded from the accumulated interest earnings account. It was agreed not to renew the PMC subscriptions for the members of the Plan on January 31, 2002. On March 1, 2004, a new website CEP Online was launched with access through a portal on The Anglican Church of Canada website: http://www.anglican.ca. CEP Online provides information to assist with Continuing Education opportunities. In order to reflect the changes in this field, there is information on Educational Institutions in Canada, the USA and internationally, offering courses, online learning, distance learning, pilgrimages, retreats, conferences, and sabbaticals. This interactive website offers users the opportunity to share through discussion, features, computer information, feedback and reviews.
Due to the poor investment returns, it was agreed to reduce the bonus for use to from 8% to 5% effective January 1, 2004.
On December 24, 2003, the assets of this Fund were transferred from UBS Capital Management to McLean Budden and are invested in its pooled funds. The assets as of December 31, 2003 were $4,182,402 at market value.
Two regulation changes were made which were submitted to the Pension Committee and were approved by the Council of General Synod.
Trudy Lebans, Chairperson, on behalf of the members of the Administrative Unit, expressed appreciation to Jenny for her leadership on the Unit as it has changed and developed over the years. She also thanked Jenny, on behalf of the members of the Continuing Education Plan, for the manner in which she administered the plan over the years. Respectfully submitted, The Rev. Canon Trudy Lebans Members of the CEP Administrative Unit are:
Appendix 1.A