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Resolution Number: A071

Subject: The Primate’s Duties

Moved By: Archdeacon Pat Johnston (from the Diocese of Ottawa)

Seconded By: Seconded By

Note: The mover and the seconder must be members of the General Synod and be present in the House when the resolution is before the synod for debate.


That section 4 of Canon III - The Primacy - be repealed and the following substituted therefor:

4.Duties of the Primate

a) The Primate shall

i) exercise pastoral and spiritual leadership throughout The Anglican Church of Canada,

ii) function as the President of the General Synod, the Chair of the Council of the General Synod, the Chair of the meetings of Metropolitans and the Chair of the meetings of the House of Bishops,

iii) function as the Chief Executive Officer of the staff of the General Synod and shall delegate such duties of that office as the Primate deems appropriate, to the General Secretary and other executive members of the staff of the General Synod,

iv) give leadership in developing the policies and strategies of The Anglican Church of Canada,

v) oversee the implementation of the decisions of the General Synod and the Council of the General Synod,

vi) report to each meeting of the Council of the General Synod and to the General Synod,

vii) speak in the name of The Anglican Church of Canada after consultation with, or in accordance with the policies set by, the Council of the General Synod or the General Synod,

viii) be, ex officio, a member of all committees, councils, boards and commissions, standing or special, appointed under any provision of the Constitution or any Canon enacted by the General Synod, or under any resolution of the General Synod, or of the Council of the General Synod,

ix) visit every diocese of The Anglican Church of Canada,

x) represent The Anglican Church of Canada internationally and ecumenically.

b) The Primate may, after consultation with the Provincial Metropolitans and the Chapter of the Anglican Military Ordinariate and subject to the provision of financial requirements, appoint a Bishop Ordinary who shall have episcopal jurisdiction over the chaplains of The Anglican Church of Canada on duty with the Canadian Forces.


In November 2002 the Council of the General Synod appointed a Task Force to review Part One of Canon III. The Task Force tested parts of the Canon with a questionnaire to a wider constituency and met formally on two occasions. The Task Force carefully reviewed the section of the Canon that outlines the Primate’s duties. The Task Force proposed a revision of that section to provide more clarity and direction to the Primate’s ministry and to more accurately reflect how the office has evolved and how it might continue to evolve. The Council of the General Synod agreed to forward the proposal, with minor changes, to the General Synod.


Source: Council of General Synod
  (name of committee, diocese, etc.)
Submitted by: The General Secretary


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