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Resolution Number: A135

Subject: Blessing of Same Sex Unions – Resources for the Church

Moved By: Stephen Andrews from the Diocese of Algoma

Seconded By: The Very Rev. Peter Wall_ from the Diocese of Niagara

Note: The mover and the seconder must be members of the General Synod and be present in the House when the resolution is before the synod for debate.


That this General Synod request the Faith Worship and Ministry Committee in the next triennium to prepare resources for the church to use in addressing issues relating to human sexuality, including the blessing of same sex unions and the changing definition of marriage in society.



The resolution on same sex unions placed before General Synod by the Council of General Synod does not seek to close discussion and debate about the churches response to the intimate relationships of gay and lesbian people. It allows for diversity of practice in a period of significant disagreement and commits the church to “the crucial value of continued respectful dialogue and study of biblical, theological, liturgical, pastoral and social aspects of human sexuality; and calls upon all bishops, clergy and lay leaders to be instrumental in seeing that dialogue and study continue.” This motion directs the Faith Worship and Ministry committee both to assist those dioceses that wish to undertake particular discussions and decisions in this area, and also to provide resources for the whole church to continue study, reflection and dialogue as we continue to grapple with the serious and often divisive issues that surround same sex unions.

If the resolution on blessing same sex unions is not adopted, this resolution would be withdrawn and replaced with one that would reflect that fact.


Source: Faith Worship and Ministry Committee
  (name of committee, diocese, etc.)
Submitted by: Stephen Andrews, Chair


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