General Synod 2004 The Anglican Church of Canada
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Reports and Resolutions

General Synod 2001

Daily Report
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Standing Committees
Reports and Resolutions

Guidelines for the Resolutions Committee

The following Guidelines for the Resolutions Committee was approved by the Council of General Synod, March 2004, for use at General Synod 2004.


It is the responsibility of the committee:

  1. to receive, and prepare for debate, resolutions proposed for the consideration of the Synod;
  2. to ensure that proposed resolutions contain clear and concise statements of what is intended by the sponsors;
  3. to consolidate, and, if necessary, re-word resolutions which deal with the same subject, after consultation with the sponsors;
  4. generally to ensure that the resolutions do not contradict the resolutions procedures which form part of the guidelines;
  5. to prepare and present a list of proposed ‘no-debate’ motions.

Resolutions Procedures

  1. All resolutions not already printed in the Convening Circular, except those of a procedural or courtesy nature, or that arise in the course of debate, shall be written on the prescribed form and submitted to the General Secretary for consideration by the committee before being put to the Synod. ( The General Secretary will give the notice of motion to the Chair of the Resolutions Committee who will assign it a number and at the close of that sitting present it as a notice of motion .)
  2. The committee shall not debate the merits of any proposed resolution, but will ensure that it contains a clear and concise statement of what is proposed.
  3. Any resolution presented to the committee may be accompanied by an explanatory note setting forth the consideration leading to the proposal. This note will not form part of the resolution preambles (i.e. “Whereas”, etc. etc.)
  4. The committee is authorized to consolidate and, if necessary, re-word resolutions which deal with the same subject, with the understanding that, in doing so, the committee will consult with the sponsors of the resolutions.
  5. The sponsors of any resolution which is recommended for change by the committee must be consulted and asked for their agreement to change(s) proposed. If agreement cannot be reached, the committee has authority to present its version, and the sponsors will have the opportunity to propose any amendments they believe desirable.
  6. The committee may reject, or return for amendment, any resolution it considers to be:
    1. outside the jurisdiction of the General Synod
    2. unclear or ambiguous
    3. inaccurate
    4. of local rather than a national character
    5. impossible of performance; or
    6. calculated to be a source of embarrassment to the Church.
  7. No notice of motion, except one of a procedural or a courtesy nature, will be received beyond the time stated on the agenda for the reception of notices of motions except with the consent of a two-thirds majority of the Synod.
  8. Any resolution which requires the expenditure of funds, the source of which have not been identified prior to the Synod session [Handbook, Rules of Order and Procedure 15 b)] must be referred to the Expenditures Committee.
  9. Normally resolutions will be dealt with in an order which is appropriate to the elements of the agenda or in the order in which they are received. However, if time for debate is limited the Agenda Committee will decide which resolutions will go forward for debate and which should be recommended for reference to appropriate bodies other than the Synod. [“Motions with reference to reports from Standing Committees shall take precedence over other motions on the paper.” Handbook, Rules of Order and Procedure 12(c)]

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