General Synod 2004 The Anglican Church of Canada
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Arriving at Synod
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Reports and Resolutions

General Synod 2001

Daily Report
Convening Circular
Council of General Synod
Orders of the Day
Sessional Committees
Standing Committees
Reports and Resolutions

Celebration of the Holy Eucharist at the Opening of the 37 th Session of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada

Credentials Report Ronald Stevenson, Chancellor of the General Synod
The Gathering of the Community
Processional Drumming and Honour Song
Responsorial: Behold, I make all things new! (John Bell)
Collect of the Day
Hymn: Great God, your love has called us here CP 442
The Proclamation of the Word
Isaiah 65:17-25
Psalm 118 (Sung: Ogden and Smith, Psalms for Lent, Holy Week and Easter, p. 122)
Romans 8:18-23
Gradual: Choir Anthem Christ is alive Text Brian Wren, music Hal Hopson
The Gospel: John 17:20-26
The Renewal of Baptismal Vows
Asperges Hymn: Come Holy Spirit, descend on us (John Bell)
The Prayers of the People In the various languages of our Church
Confession and Absolution
The Peace
The Celebration of the Eucharist
The Preparation of the Gifts
Offertory Hymn: God, my hope on you is founded CP 529
The Great Thanksgiving Supplementary Eucharistic Prayer #2
  Musical Setting: Picardy
Communion Hymns: Common Praise 57, 66, 78, 84, 601, 73, 487
Ablutions Anthem: Bread of the World in Mercy Broken (Common Praise 54)
Presidential Address The Most Rev’d David Crawley, Acting Primate
Closing Hymn: You are salt for the earth CP 502

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