General Synod 2004 The Anglican Church of Canada
Primatial Electionn
Election Results
The Election Process
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Anglican Journal
Daily Report
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Arriving at Synod
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Reports and Resolutions

General Synod 2001

Daily Report
Convening Circular
Council of General Synod
Orders of the Day
Sessional Committees
Standing Committees
Reports and Resolutions



Declared the 37th session of General Synod to be constituted.


Approved the minutes of the 36th session of General Synod


Received the reports printed in the Convening Circular.


Received Notices of Motion and Memorials printed in the Convening Circular.


Agreed that the Nominating Committee be responsible for arranging balloting and appointing scrutineers in any election where such is required.


Amended Section 3 c) of the Rules of Order and Procedure to entitle the Treasurer, overseas, ecumenical and Indigenous partners and representatives of the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund to be present and, subject to these Rules of Order and Procedure to participate in discussion without the right to vote.


Adopted Draft Agenda #12.


Sent greetings and assurance of prayers and support to Bishop Victoria Matthews.


Adopted an amendment to Canon III - The Primacy – Section 7 – regarding the resignation process. 


Defeated an amendment to Canon III - The Primacy – Section 3 – regarding term of office.


Adopted an amendment to Canon III – The Primacy – Section 4 – regarding the duties of the Primate.


Adopted an amendment to Canon III – The Primacy – Section 3 – Term of Office – regarding commencement of duties.


Adopted an amendment to Section 39 of the Constitution of the General Synod – regarding committee name and membership.


Adopted an amendment to Section 12 of the Constitution of the General Synod – to designate the Treasurer as an Officer of the General Synod and to include in the Constitution the appointment of and responsibilities of the Treasurer.


Adopted an amendment to Canon VI – The Treasurer – to delete the section, which, with the adoption of Act 14, was incorporated into Section 12 the Constitution of the General Synod.


Elected Dean Peter Elliott Prolocutor of General Synod.


Elected Archbishop Andrew S. Hutchison Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada.


Adopted on second reading an amendment to Canon XXI – On Marriage in the Church – Place of Marriage.


Adopted on second reading an amendment to Canon XXI – On Marriage in the Church – Admission to Holy Communion.


Elected Mr. Peter Irish Deputy Prolocutor.


Adopted the Report of the Nominating Committee regarding membership of the 2004 – 2007 Council of the General Synod.


Endorsed the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund’s Partnership for Life Campaign and requested the General Secretary to convey concerns regarding the universal right to health care to the Prime Minister.


Announced that the Anglican Church of Canada stands with people living with AIDS; urged the church to work to eradicate the stigma associated with the disease; and directed the Council of General Synod to express the Church’s solidarity with those showing leadership in the fight against HIV/AIDS.


Received the first report of the Nominating Committee regarding Standing Committees of General Synod for 2004 – 2007.


Accepted the Audited Financial Statements of the General Synod for the year ended December 31, 2003.


Appointed Ernst and Young auditors for the year ending December 31, 2004.


Authorized the presentation of a petition to Parliament to repeal section 6A of An Act to incorporate the General Synod of the Church of England in Canada – dealing with investment regulations.


Affirmed the 0.7% Development Goal of the United Nations; requested the General Secretary to write to the Government of Canada; affirmed the 1998 Lambeth Conference challenge to dioceses and provinces and requested the primate to encourage Anglicans to support international development programs and strengthen international and intra-Anglican Partnerships.


Commended the work of Project Ploughshares on “Fulfilling our Responsibility to the Vulnerable:  A Study Resource on Intervention” and requested the EcoJustice Committee to coordinate Anglican participation in this work.


Commended the work of the Environmental Commission of the Diocese of British Columbia and the Ecology and Theology Working Group of the Diocese of Ottawa; commended resources for circulation and study in the Anglican Church of Canada and requested the EcoJustice Committee to encourage all dioceses to develop similar programs.


Commended the work of the Climate Change Action Network of Canada; requested the EcoJustice Committee to call on dioceses to engage in advocacy to ensure effective implementation of the Kyoto Accord and requested the General Secretary to write to the Federal Government to seek ways to formulate further international agreement.


Authorized the inclusion of Emily Ayckbowm in The Calendar in the Book of Alternative Services.


Authorized the inclusion of Florence Li Tim Oi in The Calendar in the Book of Alternative Services.


Affirmed that, even in the face of deeply held convictions about whether the blessing of committed same sex unions is contrary to the doctrine and teaching of the Anglican Church of Canada, that through baptism we are members one of another in Christ Jesus; affirmed the crucial value of continued respectful dialogue and study of human sexuality; called upon all bishops, clergy and lay leaders to be instrumental in seeing that dialogue and study continue, intentionally involving gay and lesbian persons; affirmed the principal of respect for the way in which the dialogue and study may be taking place; affirmed that the Anglican Church is a church for all the baptized; and requested the House of Bishops to continue its work on the provision of adequate episcopal oversight and pastoral care for all.

(Res. A134)


Deferred until 2007 consideration of a section of Resolution A134 which reads “That this General Synod affirm the authority and jurisdiction of any diocesan synod, with the concurrence of its bishop, to authorize the blessing of committed same sex unions”.  Requested the Primate to ask the Primate’s Theological Commission to review, consider and report to the Council of General Synod, by its Spring 2006 meeting, whether the blessing of committed same sex unions is a matter of doctrine; and that on receipt of such a report, that Council distribute it for consideration.


Affirmed the integrity and sanctity of committed adult same sex relationships.


Confirmed the adoption of Resolution A134, The Blessing of Same Sex Unions, as amended and passed in Acts 34 and 36.


Requested the Faith Worship and Ministry Committee to prepare resources for the church to use in addressing issues relating to human sexuality.


Recognized the personal sacrifice and dedication of the great majority of teachers, supervisors and support staff, including aboriginal peoples, who worked at residential schools.


Approved the application for the incorporation of the Pension Office effective January 1, 2005.


Approved amendments to Canon VI – Financial Management – to exclude funds, which are under the management of the Pension Trustees.


Approved amendments to Canon VIII – The General Synod Pension and Income Continuance Plans.


Approved amendments to Canon IX – The Lay Retirement Plan.


Approved amendments to Canon XII – The Continuing Education Plan.


Approved, by way of an omnibus resolution, four motions - amending regulations of various canons and the Long Term Disability Plan document.  (Acts 46 – 49)


Approved amendments to the Regulations of Canon VIII – The General Synod Pension and Income Continuance Plan.


Approved amendments to the Regulations of Canon IX – The Lay Retirement Plan.


Approved amendments to the Regulations of Canon XII – The Continuing Education Plan.


Approved amendments to the Long Term Disability Plan Document.


Approved the 2003 Audited Financial Statements of the General Synod Pension and Income Continuance Plans, the Lay Retirement Plan and the Long Term Disability Plan of the Anglican Church of Canada.


Adopted the document Serving God’s World, Strengthening the Church – A Framework for a common journey in Christ 2005 – 2010.


Endorsed the document Letting Down the Nets – a Funding Proposal for the National Church.


Asked the Council of General Synod to develop and adopt plans based on the Framework document and to request action from all committees and councils, dioceses and provinces.


Requested the Council of General Synod to review the governance of General Synod.


Requested the Council of General Synod to explore a partnership with the national Anglican youth leadership program Ask & Imagine.


Adopted on second reading  an amendment to Canon XXI – On Marriage in the Church – Remarriage of Divorced Person – Matrimonial Commissions.


Approved the Terms of Reference for the Communications and Information Resources Committee to replace the Information Resources Committee Terms of Reference (Appendix B article 4 of the Handbook of the General Synod).


Approved new Terms of Reference for the Anglican Journal (Appendix C of the Handbook of the General Synod).


Authorized the service A Renewal of Marriage Vows or On The Anniversary of a Marriage for use where permitted by the local Ordinary.


Adopted the third Report of the Nominating Committee regarding membership on Standing Committees 2004 – 2007.


Requested the General Secretary to extend General Synod’s gratitude to Reverend Canon Dr. John Peterson for his work as Secretary General of the Anglican Communion.


Extended prayers and greetings to members of the 130th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada and offered congratulation to its new Moderator, The Reverend Richard Fee.


Approved, by way of an omnibus resolution, six motions from the No Debate List.  (Acts 64 – 69)


Welcomed the reestablishment of a formal dialogue relationship with the United Church of Canada and requested a report from the dialogue group in 2007.


Authorized changes to the Episcopal Services in the Book of Alternative Services to reflect gender inclusivity.


Joined with the Episcopal Church of Cuba and ecumenical Cuban church partners in calling for an end to the U.S. economic embargo of Cuba; and urged the Government of Canada to maintain an independent foreign and trade policy towards Cuba and to act as a mediator in the normalization of relations between Cuba and the U.S.


Urged the Government of Canada to take action to ensure the final peace agreement in the Sudan is substantial and comprehensive in the area of human rights; encouraged the Government of Canada to pursue all possible venues for the establishment of an international human rights monitoring team; and requested the Primate to communicate to our partners in the Sudan our ongoing support and solidarity with the people of Sudan.


Congratulated dioceses and parishes for 25 years of commitment to Canada’s Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program; called on dioceses and parishes to increase their commitment to the private sponsorship of refugees; encouraged increased diocesan participation; affirmed the positive contributions refugees and immigrants have made and challenged and denounced irresponsible and unsubstantiated linking of refugees and migrants to security concerns.


Directed the Council of the General Synod to create a working group to develop and prepare by Spring 2007, educational materials for parishes and dioceses pertaining to sanctuary for refugees.


Adopted on first reading amendments to Canon XVII – The Licensing of Clergy.


Adopted on second reading amendments to Canon XXI – On Marriage in the Church – Impediments of Relationship.


Adopted on first reading amendments to The Declaration of Principles – regarding eligibility of clergy.


Endorsed the KAIROS led Just Peace . . True Security Postcard Campaign.


Received and endorsed the document “What Does God Require of Us? A Declaration for Just Trade in the Service of An Economy of Life”, its twelve Principles and corresponding Policy Implications; commended “Plan of Action-Just Trade Agreements” to the PWRDF and EcoJustice and Partners in Mission Committees for follow-up; requested that the Primate sign a Canadian Council of Churches titular heads letter commending the Declaration to the Prime Minister; insured that the contents of the Declaration are integrated in the Canadian churches’ contribution to the Government of Canada’s 2004 Foreign Policy Review; and directed the EcoJustice Committee to develop a “lifestyle integrity program.”


Asked the Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee to produce a guide for dioceses to assist in the development of codes of ethics and encouraged each diocese to develop codes of ethics during the next two triennia and to report on progress to General Synod 2007.


Requested the Faith Worship and Ministry Committee, in cooperation with the House of Bishops, to undertake a study of standards for theological education and examine the roles of theological colleges and the wider church in practical and immediate post-ordination training. 


Requested the Faith Worship and Ministry Committee and the Financial Management and Development Committee to explore ways to encourage the development of funding sources for theological education.


Affirmed the principle that adequate housing is a human right; affirmed the Housing Charter for Canadians and requested the EcoJustice Committee to encourage Anglicans to support affordable housing initiatives.


Affirmed the work of those who drafted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; partnered with other agencies to call for action from the Government of Canada; and mandated the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples and the EcoJustice Committee to educate parishes.


Authorized the service Blessing and Celebration After a Civil Marriage (between a man and a woman) for use where permitted by the local Ordinary.


Consented to the transfer of St. George’s, Harriston congregation, building, and assets, from the diocese of Niagara to the Diocese of Huron.


Requested the General Secretary to write to the Prime Minister calling the Government of Canada to action to end human rights abuses in Colombia


Rejected war as a means of resolving conflict and called Canadian Anglicans to action.


Acknowledged the work of the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission in the preparation of The Gift of Authority and welcomed the initiative of the International Anglican Roman Catholic Commission on Unity and Mission to prepare a Joint Declaration summarizing the Anglican Roman Catholic agreements achieved to date.


Requested the General Secretary to communicate with the dioceses inviting them to write to the Government of Canada expressing opposition to the proposed Ballistic Missile Defense Program and to encourage their parishes and individuals to do the same.


Defeated a motion to initiate a process of liturgical revision to prepare a unified Book of Common Prayer.


Called upon Immigration Canada to make public its reasons for denying Sanja Pecelj’s application to remain in Canada and urged Canadian Anglicans to support Sanja Pecelj’s fight to become a Canadian Citizen.


Expressed deep appreciation and gratitude for everyone responsible for this meeting of the General Synod.

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