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Daily Report 5

An unofficial digest of the proceedings of the 37 th Session of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada
Thursday, June 3, 2004

1. Resolutions

A134 Blessing of same-sex unions

Members resumed debate on a motion to add a section to Resolution A134 to read, “affirm the integrity and sanctity of committed adult same-sex relationships.”

General Synod defeated an amendment to alter the wording of the new section to read “affirm and love those who are in committed adult same-sex relationships.”

General Synod passed the amendment to add a section to Resolution A134. The resolution carried as amended.

A135 Blessing of same-sex unions: resources

To request resources on the blessing of same-sex unions. Carried as amended to remove the words, “to assist the church in implementing the resolution on same-sex unions and.”

2. Presentation on residential school staff

Bernice Logan, Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, showed a film of a trip to Switzerland and France made by a hockey team from a residential school and the Most Rev. John Clarke, Bishop of Athabasca, said that the vast majority of staff did not abuse children but worked hard to help them.

3. Resolution

C002 Residential schools staff

To acknowledge the dedication of staff to residential schools. Carried as amended to add Indigenous staff.

4. Partner’s report

Bob Mills, United Church of Canada, reported on his church’s struggle with the issue of the place of homosexuals in his church, and on the United Church’s work with ecumenical partners.

5. Resolutions

A230 Pension office incorporation

To approve the application for incorporation of the pension office, effective Jan. 1, 2005. Carried.

A079 Canon VI

To amend the canon so that funds managed by the pension trustees are excluded from the consolidated trust fund. Carried.

A080 Canon VIII

To update the canon governing the General Synod pension plan. Carried.

A081 Canon IX

To update the canon governing the lay retirement plan. Carried.

A082 Canon XII

To update the canon governing the continuing education plan. Carried.

A231 Canon VIII regulations

To amend the regulations in the General Synod pension canon to comply with legislation. Carried.

A232 Canon IX regulations

To amend the regulations in the lay pension canon to comply with legislation. Carried.

A233 Canon XII regulations

To amend the regulations to comply with changes in the canon governing the continuing education plan. Carried.

A234 Long-term disability plan document

To amend the plan so that it is administered by the pension office. Carried.

A235 Financial statements

To accept the 2003 financial statements of General Synod, lay pension and long-term disability plans. Carried.

A130 Serving God’s World, Strengthening the Church

To adopt the new strategic plan. Carried.

A131 Letting Down the Nets

To adopt the new fundraising plan. Carried.

A132 Revised Committee and Council goals, 2004-2007

To ask committees to set goals using the strategic plan and to report plans and progress to Council of General Synod. Carried.

A133 Revised General Synod governance

To ask Council of General Synod to review the governance of General Synod. Carried.

C003 Youth leadership development

To ask General Synod to explore a partnership with an Anglican youth leadership program, Ask and Imagine. Carried.

A077 Canon XXI Marriage Commissions

Carried by a two-thirds vote in all three orders, voting separately, as amended to make marriage commissions optional.

A100 Communications and Information Resources Committee terms of reference

To update the terms of reference of the committee to reflect the incorporation of the Anglican Journal as a separate body. Carried.

A101 Anglican Journal terms of reference

To update the terms of reference of the Anglican Journal to reflect the incorporation of the newspaper as a separate body. Carried.

A178 Renewal of marriage vows

To authorize a service, A Renewal of Marriage Vows on the Anniversary of a Marriage. Carried.

6. Nominating Committee final report

The Nominating Committee presented its final report on the membership of standing committees of the Council of General Synod. Carried.

7. Resolutions

No Debate List

The following resolutions were passed without debate as part of the omnibus motion:

A179 dialogue with the United Church of Canada

To commend the reestablishment of a formal dialogue with the United Church.

A180 Changes to Episcopal services language: BAS

To authorize changes to the Book of Alternative Services to reflect gender inclusiveness.

A251 Revised Cuba

To call for an end to the United States’ economic embargo of Cuba.

A252 Sudan

To urge governments to ensure human rights are guaranteed during the peace process in Sudan.

A253 Refugees and immigrants

To encourage diocese and parishes to continue sponsoring refugees.

A254 Sanctuary

To develop educational materials about requests for sanctuary.

Debated resolutions

A073 Licensing of clergy

To amend the licensing canon to provide examples of circumstances in which a bishop may decide to revoke a license. Carried by a two-thirds majority of the three orders voting separately.

A076 Marriage: impediments of relationship

To revise sections of Canon XXI to provide consistency with Canadian law. Second reading, carried by a two-thirds majority of the three orders voting separately.

A020 Eligibility of clergy

To amend the declaration of principles to permit clergy of other denominations in full communion with the Anglican Church of Canada who are licensed by Anglican bishops to be eligible for election to Anglican offices. First reading, carried by a two-thirds majority of the three orders voting separately

A151 Cultivating a just peace

To endorse the Just Peace, True Security postcard campaign. Carried.

A154 Globalization and just trade

To receive and endorse What Does God Require of Us? A Declaration for Just Trade in the Service of an Economy of Life. Carried.

A171 Code of ethics

To ask the Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee to produce a guide to creating a code of ethics for those in ministry and to encourage dioceses to create such codes. Carried.

A174 Standards for theological education

To ask the Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee and the House of Bishops to study theological standards. Carried.

A175 Revised Funding for theological colleges

To ask the Faith, Worship and Ministry, and Financial Management and Development committees to find ways to fund theological education. Carried.

A157 Housing and homelessness

To affirm adequate housing as a human right. Carried.

A160 Revised UN declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples

To affirm the work of those who worked to create the declaration. Carried.

A177 Blessing and celebration after a civil marriage

To authorize the use of the service, Blessing and Celebration of a Civil Marriage, where permitted by the Ordinary. An amendment to add the words, “between a man and a woman” carried. An amendment to remove the phrase, “the signing of the parish register,” from the text of the service carried.

8. Statement

Following night prayers, a statement expressing concerns about decisions taken earlier by General Synod with regard to same-sex unions, was read by:

Rt. Rev. Andrew Atagotaaluk, Diocesan Bishop of Arctic,
Rt. Rev. Benjamin Arreak, Suffragan Bishop of Arctic,
Rt. Rev. William Anderson, Bishop of Caledonia,
Rt. Rev. Anthony Burton, Bishop of Saskatchewan,
Rt. Rev. Terrence Buckle, Bishop of the Yukon,
Rt. Rev. Charles Arthurson, Suffragan Bishop of Saskatchewan,
Rt. Rev. Donald Harvey, Bishop of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador,
Rt. Rev. Ronald Ferris, Bishop of Algoma, and
Rt. Rev. Larry Robertson, Suffragan Bishop of Arctic.

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