General Synod 2004 The Anglican Church of Canada
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General Synod 2001

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Reports and Resolutions

FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2004

Morning Prayer took place in the Plenary Hall.

The Prolocutor was in the chair.

Rev. Dr. Stephen Hopkins rose on a point of personal privilege objecting to the letter from the nine bishops. He expressed concern about the contempt it seemed to express for the Anglican Church of Canada and its decision-making process. Dr. Hopkins appreciated the respect shown by bishops who had voted against the motion but had not signed the letter.

Bishop James Njegovan rose on a point of personal privilege. He expressed distress that his fellow bishops had caucused separately. The discussion belongs with the whole church. Bishop Njegovan asked his fellow bishops to retract the statement.

Bishop Donald Harvey rose on a point of order asking had not the right of personal privilege been stretched to its limit.

Bishop James Cowan rose on a point of personal privilege. He spoke about discussions in his Home Groups that centered, not around the decisions, but rather on the pastoral care that the Synod and the whole church require.

Orders of the Day

Mr. Peter Irish reviewed the Orders of the Day and noted two corrections.

Partners’ Reflections

Bishop Duleep de Chickera and Mrs. Geetha de Chickera

Bishop Duleep de Chickera and Mrs. Geetha de Chickera, Church of Ceylon, Diocese of Colombo, brought greetings from the Church in Sri Lanka and offered reflections on the organization of General Synod, the uplifting music and worship, and the way in which sensitive issues were addressed. Bishop de Chickera spoke of the need for dialogue in dealing with same sex issues and with self-determination for Aboriginal Anglicans.

The Acting Primate thanked Bishop and Mrs. de Chickera and presented them with an appreciation gift.

Rev. Canon Stephen Lane

The Rev. Canon Stephen Lane, member of the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church of the USA, reported that his church had struggled to find a way forward after the General Convention, but was now doing well. He commended General Synod for the honesty, compassion and civility with which it dealt with the issue of the blessing of same sex unions and urged the church to continue the dialogue.

The Acting Primate thanked Canon Lane and presented him with an appreciation gift.

Indigenous Partners

The Acting Primate called the Indigenous Partners to the stage and presented each with a gift. Mr. Todd Russell, Co-chair of the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples, responded on behalf of the Indigenous Partners. He thanked the Acting Primate for his words and his leadership and for the openness with which the Indigenous Partners had been received.

Cuban Partners

Bishop Ralph Spence, Diocese of Niagara, presented Cuban Partners Mr. Leonel Abaroa, Canon Francisco de Arazoza and Mr. Rody Perez Risco with gifts of appreciation.

The Primate assumed the chair.


St. George’s, Harriston

Moved by: Bishop Bruce Howe
Seconded by: Bishop Ralph Spence

That this General Synod consent to the transfer of St. George’s, Harriston, congregation, building, and assets, from the diocese of Niagara to the Diocese of Huron.

Act 81

Point of Order

Rev. Dr. Iain Luke rose on a point of order and requested that the Rev. Dr. Stephen Hopkins withdraw the words “contempt of this Synod.”

The above was in reference to remarks made when Dr. Hopkins rose earlier in the day on a point of personal privilege.

Dr. Hopkins withdrew the words.


Moved by: Mr. Matthew Kett
Seconded by: Bishop George Elliott

That this General Synod request the General Secretary to write to the Prime Minister to:

  • Call on the Government of Canada Canadian government to press the Colombian government to fully implement recommendations made to it repeatedly by the United Nationals High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR), in particular, to bring an end to human rights abuses committed by the Colombian state security forces and the paramilitary, to sever links between security forces and paramilitary groups and to guarantee the rights of human rights defenders and other activists.
  • Urge the Canadian government to insist that Colombian authorities combat and dismantle paramilitary groups, including by severing the links between security forces and paramilitary groups, and abolish policies which risk legitimizing paramilitarismCall on the Canadian government to strongly oppose growing U.S. military aid to Colombia (in both bilateral relations with the U.S. and multilateral for aums like the U.N.).
  • Press the Canadian government to monitor Canadian corporations doing business in Colombia (including crown corporations such as Export Development Canada) to ensure their activities do not violate human rights.
  • Press the Canadian government to continue to support a negotiated political settlement to Colombia’s social and armed conflict
  • Urge the Canadian government to supporand strengthen the role of Colombia’s social organizations in any future peace process.
  • Urge the Government of Canada to support the call of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Colombia to Colombian armed opposition groups to respect international humanitarian law.

Act 82

Rejection of War as a Means of Resolving Conflict

Moved by: Mrs. Phyllis Creighton
Seconded by: Sister Constance Joanna Gefvert

That this General Synod reject war as a means of resolving conflict, and call on all Canadian Anglicans to:

  • Oppose the doctrine and policy of pre-emptive or preventive war;
  • Work to stop war being used as an instrument of policy;
  • Press for the means to teach people the skills of mediation, conflict resolution, and reconciliation;
  • Engage in learning and using these skills for peace-building and reconciliation;
  • Press for the transfer of resources from war and militarism to urgent social and environmental needs.

Act 83

Abstentions were noted from Cdr. David Cooper, Lt. Col. Rev. Canon John Fletcher, Archdeacon Karl McLean and the Rev. Canon John Steele.

Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations: The Gift of Authority

Moved by: Bishop Bruce Stavert
Seconded by: Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews

That this General Synod:

  • note the importance of our ongoing dialogue with our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters;
  • thank the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) for its work in the preparation of The Gift of Authority;
  • recognize that The Gift of Authority has not found sufficient resonance among Canadian Anglicans for this Synod to be able to say that it has received it;
  • draw attention to the ‘Response to The Gift of Authority’ (FWM Report #006, pp. 42-58 Document 8) of the Anglican Roman Catholic Dialogue of Canada, in particular its observation that more work should be done by ARCIC in exploring the practical working out of primacy and synodality as they express themselves at the local and diocesan levels; and its observations about the place of the laity in decision-making;
  • welcome the initiative of the International Anglican Roman Catholic Commission on Unity and Mission (IARCCUM) to prepare a Joint Declaration summarizing the Anglican Roman Catholic agreements achieved to date.

Act 84

Ballistic Missile Defense

Moved by: Mrs. Phyllis Creighton
Seconded by: Ms. Karen Rinehart Pidcock

That this General Synod, having gone on record as opposing Canadian participation in the proposed Ballistic Missile Defense Program of the US administration, request the General Secretary to communicate with dioceses by the time Parliament reconvenes in the fall of 2004, inviting them:

  • to write to the government of Canada, expressing this opposition, and
  • to encourage parishes and individuals to do the same.

Act 85

Abstentions were noted from Cdr. David Cooper, Lt. Col. Rev. Canon John Fletcher, Archdeacon Karl McLean and the Rev. Canon John Steele.

Unified Book of Common Prayer

Moved by: Rev. Dr. Richard Leggett
Seconded by: Archdeacon Andrew Pike

That this General Synod direct the Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee to initiate a process of liturgical revision to prepare a unified Book of Common Prayer.


Moved by: Chancellor Ronald Stevenson
Seconded by: Captain Rob Marsh

That the motion be amended by deleting the words “to initiate” and inserting the words “consider initiating.”


The motion was put and -

Act 86

Ms. Sanja Pecelj

Synod indicated its approval to suspend Rules of Order and Procedure 16 b) and 16 c) so that Synod could entertain a resolution regarding Ms. Sanja Pecilj.

Moved by: Bishop Susan Moxley
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That this General Synod call upon Immigration Canada to make public its reasons for denying Sanja Pecelj’s application; support Sanja Pecelj’s application to remain in Canada and urge Canadian Anglicans to actively support Sanja Pecelj’s fight to become a Canadian citizen.

Act 87

A petition in support of Ms Pecelj’s application to remain in Canada was circulated.

Motion of Thanks

Moved by: Archdeacon Paul Feheley
Seconded by: Mrs. Margaret Jenniex

We the members of the 37th Session of our General Synod are privileged people. The Holy Spirit has been with us as we broke bread and shared wine. We elected Andrew our Primate to provide leadership to our Church. We talked, shared, cried, laughed and voted on many different matters; always keeping before us the Acting Primate’s question “Will this enhance or inhibit the spread of the Realm of God?”

We met in Home Groups to read and talk about God’s word and our lives. Friendships were born and enhanced over meals, drinks, walks and parties. We prayed earnestly when one of us was under the healing hand of God in an Edmonton hospital. We were moved to breathlessness and tears when an honourable Canadian told us of brothers and sisters around the world who are dying from HIV/AIDS. They look with longing eyes for prayers, medication and money in order to stay alive.

We praised God through music and who will ever forget -

I am an Anglican, pure C of E
I’m High Church, not Low Church
In communion with Canterbury
Not a Baptist – Not a Presby
Not a Lutheran right with form
I am an Anglican, just one step from Rome (x2)

We, the diverse Body of Christ, want to express our gratitude and deep appreciation to those who have Let down the nets, helped us to continue the Long Haul and experience in our hearts and souls the great theme of this Synod - See I am making all things new.

We move that the members of the General Synod express sincere thanks and gratitude:

  1. To Archdeacon Bruce McPetrie and Archdeacon Marion Vincett, co-chairs of the Local Arrangements Committee, and their team of volunteers for the many countless hours both before and during the Synod. Thank you for your warm welcome, for organizing programs and coordinating the transportation. Thank you for being so visible.
  2. To Bishop Ralph Spence and the people of the Diocese of Niagara, thank you for enriching our gathering in so many ways.
  3. To all who helped us through prayer and praise
    • Dean Peter Wall and the Worship Committee team and the volunteer choir for the many wonderful worship experiences; and to those who upheld us in prayer;
    • Angus Sinclair and Ken Hull, who shared their gifts of music so spontaneously and enthusiastically enriching our worship and voting time;
    • Home group leaders who led us gently through the circle process and
    • Marcia Christie who decorated the plenary space.
  1. To all those who staffed and chaired committees – General Synod Planning, Agenda, Nominating, Resolutions and Expenditures. We acknowledge the tremendous commitment involved. Thank you for your time, patience, skills and faithfulness throughout the whole process.
  2. For the work of our media teams, and our Standing Committees and Council of General Synod members over the past three years. Thank you for your dedication and willingness to serve God and strengthen the Church.
  3. To Ronald Stevenson, our Chancellor, and to the teams of assessors and secretaries who have worked quietly to make the Synod run smoothly.
  4. Our meeting has been enriched by the contribution of the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples, members of the Council and the many First Nations Anglicans who have come as our partners, and to all our other partners who have come from near and far and who continue to be such faithful supporters, gentle teachers and companions. Thank you for your wisdom, your stories, your faith, your love of God and God’s Church, as we work together to build up our common life and witness to the Gospel.
  5. Behind a meeting such as this are the labours of many General Synod staff members, who so often go far beyond their primary areas of responsibility to look after our needs with grace and skill. Margaret Shawyer, our General Synod Coordinator, exemplifies the dedication and helpfulness that have enabled us to do our work effectively and smoothly – We thank you!!
  6. To all members of this 37th Session of Synod – lay, clergy and bishops – who gave of your gift of grace, discernment and generosity. To our youth, whose lips were truly touched by God and spoke to us not as our children, but as prophets.
  7. To all those whom we may forget (and we are sure there are some) do thou O Lord remember.

Our closing words of thanks are to those who have sat before us under the glare of the lights and provided a leadership of our Church of which we are all extraordinarily proud.

To Dianne Izzard, who has quietly yet ever so faithfully been our recording secretary, handled all of our questions in the past few months and provided communication in such a wonderful way that we think of you now as one of God’s secretaries.

To Peter Elliott, our Deputy Prolocutor, who has responded to Our Lord’s command to Friend – Come up Higher. You have played a significant role in planning this synod and bringing to us a framework for our future. You have a passion for our church for which we are thankful and we look forward to your work as our Prolocutor during the next triennium.

To Archdeacon Jim Boyles -
You bring to us the wisdom and grace of experience. As a weaver takes many threads and creates something beautiful, so you take all of us and in a humble, quiet way help our Church become all that it is meant to be. Not only for this Synod, but for all that you have done in the past to achieve peace, harmony and justice, we thank you.

To Dorothy Davies-Flindall -
As our Prolocutor, you remind me of my Irish grandmother, at times firm, giving advice; at times laughing - always there for us. We know that you love our Church and your strength, wisdom and experience will greatly benefit the Council of General Synod as it meets and moves us forward.

And finally, to Archbishop David Crawley, our Acting Primate -
You, sir, closed your Presidential Address saying that we from time to time forget God, but God never forgets nor forsakes us. This General Synod will likely be the only one you chair. We will not forget you. Your care, attention to detail, your humour and your fairness allowed us to Draw the Circle Wide, Draw it Wider Still. We have experienced how courageous, faithful and balanced leadership enables us to be proud to be Anglicans, and we are honoured to be part of this Church. Thank you.

We go now back to the outports of Newfoundland, the village churches, the First Nations communities, the cities, the prairies, the glory of the Okanagan Valley with the words “See I am making all things new” indelibly etched on our hearts and souls because you have led us to be the Body of Christ. Thank you.

Glory to God
Whose power working in us,
Can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.
Glory to God from generation to generation
In the Church and in Christ Jesus
For ever and ever. Amen

Act 88


Mrs. Dorothy Davies-Flindall

Dean Peter Elliott thanked Mrs. Davies-Flindall and presented her with a gift in appreciation of her work as Prolocutor.

Archbishop David Crawley

Mrs. Dorothy Davies-Flindall thanked Archbishop Crawley for taking on the role of Acting Primate with generosity, energy, commitment and grace. She presented Archbishop Crawley with a gift – a framed photograph of the House of Bishops of the Dominion of Canada gathering at the founding of General Synod in 1893.

Primate’s Closing Remarks

Archbishop David Crawley, Acting Primate, spoke about compromise, which he defined as a condition in which no one is completely happy but with which most people can live. He noted that Canada was born in compromise and that “it is also the Anglican way . . The Church prides itself on being the middle way.” Archbishop Crawley added that the middle was not a dot or a line but a space and that “we must, as a church, for the next three years work very hard to make that middle space as wide as possible.”

Primatial Installation

The Most Rev. Andrew Hutchison was installed as the 12th Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada at Christ’s Church Cathedral in Hamilton. The Most Reverend Frank T. Griswold, Presiding Bishop and Primate, Episcopal Church, United States of America, delivered the sermon. Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, Primate, presided at the Eucharist.


At the closing dinner, which followed the Installation Service, the Primate declared the 37th Session of the General Synod to be prorogued.

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