General Synod 2004 The Anglican Church of Canada
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Reports and Resolutions

General Synod 2001

Daily Report
Convening Circular
Council of General Synod
Orders of the Day
Sessional Committees
Standing Committees
Reports and Resolutions


Morning Prayer was held in the Plenary Hall.

The Acting Primate was in the chair.

Orders of the Day

Mr. Peter Irish reviewed the Orders of the Day. He advised that Resolutions A176 and C008 had been withdrawn.

Report of the Nominating Committee – Standing Committees

Moved by: Dean Louise Peters
Seconded by: Archdeacon Harry Huskins

That the Report of the Nominating Committee for Standing Committees be approved.

Motion of referral

Moved by: Archdeacon Peter Zimmer
Seconded by: Rev. Canon William Clarke

That the report be referred back to the Nominating Committee for further consideration.


Blessing of Same Sex Unions

Debate resumed on Amendment to Resolution A134 - Clause 6

The amending motion, which was tabled earlier in the meeting, reads:

That resolution A134 be amended by adding:

6) Affirm the integrity and sanctity of committed adult same sex relationships.

The Youth Members of General Synod were given first opportunity to speak to the motion.


Moved by: Ms. Catharine Roberts
Seconded by: Mr. Jonathan Blanchard

That the amendment be amended by deleting the words “the integrity and sanctity of” and inserting the words “and love those who are in committed. . . ”

A number of Youth Members spoke to the motion to amend. The Rev. Guy Bellerby rose on a point of privilege to thank the youth for their candor and honesty.

Moved by: Rev. Guy Bellerby
Seconded by: Rev. David Johnson

That the question be put.


The amendment to the amendment was put and -


Motion to put the question

Moved by: Ms. Judy Steers
Seconded by: Ms. Mel Malton

That the question be put.


The amendment which reads:

That resolution A134 be amended by adding:

6) Affirm the integrity and sanctity of committed adult same sex relationships.

was put and

Act 36

The Acting Primate commended the Youth Members for their contribution to the debate. Synod concurred with applause. The Acting Primate also thanked delegates for the civil and dignified manner in which the debate was carried out. Members applauded.

The Rev. Dr. Richard Leggett rose on a point of privilege asking that Synod pause to reflect on the decision. The Synod paused for a period of quiet reflection after the vote was taken.

Ruling of the Chair

A question was raised by Rev. Alan Perry about the status of Resolution A134. The Chair ruled that a vote was required and that Resolution A134, 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 be put without further debate. Bishop Donald Harvey appealed the Chair’s ruling. The Chancellor advised that it must be put to the house as to whether the ruling of the chair be upheld. A vote was taken and the ruling of the chair was upheld.

The vote on the amended resolution, the text of which follows, was put -

Blessing of Same Sex Unions

Be it resolved that this General Synod:

  1. Affirm that, even in the face of deeply held convictions about whether the blessing of committed same sex unions is contrary to the doctrine and teaching of the Anglican Church of Canada, we recognize that through our baptism we are members one of another in Christ Jesus, and we commit ourselves to strive for that communion into which Christ continually calls us;
  2. Affirm the crucial value of continued respectful dialogue and study of biblical, theological, liturgical, pastoral, scientific, psychological and social aspects of human sexuality; and call upon all bishops, clergy and lay leaders to be instrumental in seeing that dialogue and study continue, intentionally involving gay and lesbian persons;
  3. Affirm the principle of respect for the way in which the dialogue and study may be taking place, or might take place, in indigenous and various other communities within our church in a manner consistent with their cultures and traditions;
  4. Affirm that the Anglican Church is a church for all the baptized and is committed to taking such actions as are necessary to maintain and serve our fellowship and unity in Christ, and request the House of Bishops to continue its work on the provision of adequate episcopal oversight and pastoral care for all, regardless of the perspective from which they view the blessing of committed same sex relationships; and
  5. Affirm the integrity and sanctity of committed adult same sex relationships.

Act 37

Blessing of Same Sex Unions – Resources for the Church

Moved by: Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews
Seconded by: Bishop Ralph Spence

That this General Synod request the Faith Worship and Ministry Committee in the next triennium to prepare resources for the church to use in addressing issues relating to human sexuality, including the blessing of same sex unions and the changing definition of marriage in society.

Act 38

Presentation on Residential School Staff

Archbishop John Clarke introduced Ms. Bernice Logan, a former residential schools staff member, who addressed Synod and showed a video of a ten-day trip to Switzerland made by a hockey club from one of the residential schools. Archbishop Clarke said that the majority of staff members were not abusers and Synod had afforded the opportunity to ensure them a place in the history of the church.

Residential Schools Staff

Moved by: Archbishop John Clarke
Seconded by: Bishop Duncan Wallace

That this General Synod recognize and acknowledge the personal sacrifice and dedication of the great majority of the teachers, supervisors and support staff who, with integrity and honour devoted so much of their lives to the education and care of the aboriginal children in the Residential Schools of Canada.

Rev. Andrew Wesley, a survivor of abuse, came forward and embraced Ms. Logan. He said he has been on a journey of forgiveness and encouraged his aboriginal people to do the same. Synod stood in acknowledgement.

Friendly Amendment

The mover and seconder agreed to add the words “including aboriginal peoples” after the words “support staff”.

The amended resolution reads -

That this General Synod recognize and acknowledge the personal sacrifice and dedication of the great majority of the teachers, supervisors and support staff including aboriginal peoples who, with integrity and honour devoted so much of their lives to the education and care of the aboriginal children in the Residential Schools of Canada.

The amended resolution was put and -

Act 39

Partner’s Reflections

Rev. Bob Mills

Rev. Bob Mills, United Church of Canada, spoke of how our churches had worked together in many relationships and highlighted the Bilateral Dialogue, its future meetings and current issues.

He told of the United Church’s struggle with the same sex issue and of its work with its ecumenical partners.

The Acting Primate thanked Mr. Mills and presented him with an appreciation gift.


Bishop Ann Tottenham introduced Ms. Judy Robinson, the new Director of Pensions.

Incorporation of the Pension Office

Moved by: Bishop Ann Tottenham
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That this General Synod approve the application for the incorporation of the Pension Office effective January 1, 2005 as approved by the Council of General Synod.

Motion to Defer

Moved by: Canon John Steele
Seconded by: Bishop James Cowan

That consideration of Resolution A230 be postponed until Resolution C004 has been debated.


Vote on the resolution

Act 40

Amendments to Canon VI – Financial Management

Moved by: Bishop Ann Tottenham
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That this General Synod approve the amendments to Canon VI as approved by the Council of General Synod by deleting the scored portions and adding the underlined portions as shown on the attached copy of the Canon.

Section 5 should be amended by adding the words “and benefit plan funds” after the words “excluding pension funds”.

In section 6(d), line 2, add the words “monies received on account of” after the word “except”; delete the word “premiums” and add the words “and benefit plans” after the word “pension”.

Act 41

Canon VI is attached as Appendix B. The changes are indicated in a form that includes amendments to the Canon passed in Act 15.

Amendments to Canon VIII – The General Synod Pension and Income Continuance Plans

Moved by: Bishop Ann Tottenham
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That this General Synod approve the amendments to Canon VIII as approved by the Council of General Synod by deleting the scored portions and adding the underlined portions as shown on the attached copy of the Canon.

Act 42

Canon VIII as amended is attached as Appendix C.

Amendments to Canon IX – The Lay Retirement Plan

Moved by: Bishop Ann Tottenham
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That this General Synod approve the amendments to Canon IX as approved by the Council of General Synod by deleting the scored portions and adding the underlined portions as shown on the attached copy of the Canon.

Act 43

Canon IX as amended is attached as Appendix D.

Amendments to Canon XII – Continuing Education Plan

Moved by: Bishop Ann Tottenham
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That this General Synod approve the amendments to Canon XII as approved by the Council of General Synod by deleting the scored portions and adding the underlined portions as shown on the attached copy of the Canon.

Act 44

Canon XII as amended is attached as Appendix E.

Omnibus Resolution - Pensions

With the agreement of the house, resolutions A231 - Amendments to the Regulations of Canon VIII (Appendix 6 of Report 010), A232 - Amendments to the Regulations of Canon IX (Appendix 4 of Report 010), A233 - Amendments to the Regulations of Canon XII (Appendix 5 of Report 010), and A234 - Amendments to the Long Term Disability Plan (Appendix 3 of Report 010), all moved by Bishop Ann Tottenham and seconded by Bishop Fred Hiltz, were voted on together and

Act 45

The resolutions read:

Amendments to the Regulations of Canon VIII – The General Synod Pension and Income Continuance Plans

Moved by: Bishop Ann Tottenham
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That this General Synod approve the amendments to the Regulations of Canon VIII as approved by the Council of General Synod by deleting the scored portions and adding the underlined portions as shown on the attached copy of the Regulations.

Act 46

Regulations of Canon VIII are attached as Appendix F.

Amendments to the Regulations of Canon IX – The Lay Retirement Plan

Moved by: Bishop Ann Tottenham
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That this General Synod approve the amendments to the Regulations of Canon IX as approved by the Council of General Synod by deleting the scored portions and adding the underlined portions as shown on the attached copy of the Regulations.

Act 47

The Regulations of Canon IX are attached as Appendix G.

Amendments to the Regulations of Canon XII – Continuing Education Plan

Moved by: Bishop Ann Tottenham
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That this General Synod approve the amendments to the Regulations of Canon XII as approved by the Council of General Synod by deleting the scored portions and adding the underlined portions as shown on the attached copy of the Regulations.

Act 48

The Regulations of Canon XII are attached as Appendix H.

Amendments to the Long Term Disability Plan Document

Moved by: Bishop Ann Tottenham
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That this General Synod approve the amendments to the Long Term Disability Plan Document as approved by the Council of General Synod by deleting the scored portions and adding the underlined portions as shown on the attached copy of the document.

Act 49

The Long Term Disability Plan Document is attached as Appendix I.

2003 Financial Statements

Moved by: Bishop Ann Tottenham
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That this General Synod approve the 2003 Audited Financial Statements of the General Synod Pension & Income Continuance Plans, the Lay Retirement Plan and the Long Term Disability Plan of the Anglican Church of Canada.

Act 50

Serving God’s World, Strengthening the Church

Moved by: Dean Peter Elliott
Seconded by: Rev. Alan Perry

That this General Synod adopt the document Serving God’s World, Strengthening the Church –A Framework for a common journey in Christ 2005 – 2010 (March 2004) as a guide for the work of the General Synod during this period.

Act 51

The document is attached as Appendix J.

During the debate on the resolution, the Acting Primate invited Mr. Rob Dickson, Chair of the Financial Management and Development Committee to comment on the financial component.

Letting Down the Nets

Moved by: Bishop Rodney Andrews
Seconded by: Mr. Stephen Koning

That this General Synod endorse the document Letting Down the Nets – a Funding Proposal for the National Church as a guide for the financial support of the document Serving God’s World, Strengthening the Church – A Framework for a common journey in Christ – 2005-2010 (March 2004).

Act 52

The document is attached as Appendix K.

Committee and Council Goals

Moved by: Dean Peter Elliott
Seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lawson

That this General Synod ask that the Council of General Synod develop and adopt plans in the 2004 – 2007 triennium based on the Framework document Serving God’s World, Strengthening the Church and further that the Council of General Synod:

  • Request all committees and councils to develop specific directions, goals and plans for the next triennium (2004-2007) reflecting the priorities and themes of the framework, reporting to the spring 2005 meeting of the Council of General Synod;
  • Urge that such plans state clear priorities, be clearly linked to budget and include directions for implementation;
  • Urge that implementation directions include ways that dioceses, ecclesiastical provinces and the General Synod can participate in contributing existing resources (skills, programs, volunteer and staff expertise); and
  • Request dioceses and provinces to offer these resources, effectively stewarding the resources of the whole of the Church in Canada.

Act 53

General Synod Governance

Moved by: Dean Peter Elliott
Seconded by: Canon Robert Falby

That this General Synod request the Council of General Synod to review the governance of General Synod with a view to enhancing the work and mission of General Synod.

Act 54

Rising on a point of order, Ms. Meghan Nicholls requested that Resolution C003 regarding youth leadership development be considered at this time.

Youth Leadership Development

Moved by: Ms. Meghan Nicholls
Seconded by: Ms. Hilary Pennett

That this General Synod, request that the Council of General Synod explore a partnership with the national Anglican youth leadership program “Ask & Imagine” in response to the Framework’s proposal to develop national youth (and young adult) leadership development conferences.

Motion to refer

Moved by: Rev. Dr. Iain Luke
Seconded by: Bishop Donald Phillips

That the motion be referred to the Council of General Synod.


The resolution was then put and -

Act 55

WestJet Draw

A draw took place for two airline tickets donated by WestJet Airlines, the primary carrier for General Synod. The winners: Rev. Dr. Iain Luke and Rev. Canon Gordon Redden

Amendment to Canon XXI – On Marriage in the Church – Remarriage of Divorced Persons – Matrimonial Commissions – Second Reading debate resumed

The amendment, which had been moved by Archdeacon Richard Salt and seconded by Mrs. Betty Livingston, was withdrawn.

The debate resumed on the original motion as amended, the text of which reads –

That second reading be given to the resolution

That Canon XXI be amended

(1) by striking out clause 16 b) and substituting therefor the following:

b) “Chancellor” means the chancellor of a diocese;

(2) by striking out the word “Commission” wherever it appears in Part III, in Schedule B or in Schedule D and substituting therefor the word “Chancellor”;

(3) by striking out the word “its” in the second line of clause 20 a) and substituting therefor the words “the Chancellor’s”;

(4) by adding at the end of Part III the following new sections:

22. Procedure

The Chancellor shall follow the procedure set out in the provisions of Schedule D.

23. Avoidance of Delay

The Chancellor shall deal with each application as expeditiously as possible.

24. Limitation of Jurisdiction

Every finding and determination of the Chancellor shall be and shall be expressly stated to be made solely for the purposes of this Canon and not for the purpose of performing any function of a civil court or other civil authority, and shall otherwise be confined to the findings and declaration necessary for disposing of the application in respect of which it is made.

25. Persons Serving in or Attached to the Canadian Forces

a) This section applies to a person who is enrolled in the Canadian Forces who is serving in the regular forces or who is a member of the reserve forces on continuous duty with the regular forces, or a person who in accordance with the National Defence Act, accompanies the Canadian Forces, and the dependents of all such persons.

b) A person described in clause a) may forward an application under this Part to the Anglican chaplain responsible for his or her pastoral care.

c) On receiving an application the chaplain may forward the application to the Chancellor of the diocese in which the applicant resides or to the Bishop Ordinary to the Canadian Forces who shall designate a diocesan chancellor to hear the application.

d) Nothing in this section prevents a person from making an application in the manner prescribed by this Part.

(5A) by renumbering sections 22 to 25 in Part IV to be sections 26 to 29;

(5B) by deleting subsection 26 b) (as renumbered) of Part IV and substituting the following:

b) The application shall be made to the incumbent of the parish or mission where it is desired that the intended marriage be celebrated. The incumbent shall investigate the application as thoroughly as possible and forward it together with a report thereon to the Ecclesiastical Matrimonial Commission established under Part VI having jurisdiction in the diocese or, in a diocese where there is no Ecclesiastical Matrimonial Commission, to the diocesan bishop. The bishop may delegate authority to the incumbent or some other person.”

(5C) by deleting the word “Commission” wherever it appears in section 27 and in subsections 28 a), 29 a) and 29 b) (as renumbered) and substituting the words “Commission or the diocesan bishop”.

(5D) by deleting subsections 28 b) and 28 c) (as renumbered) and substituting the following:

b) On being notified of dismissal of the application, the applicants may, within 30 days after receipt of notice, apply in writing to the Commission or the diocesan bishop for reconsideration of the application. On such reconsideration the applicants may appear personally before the Commission or the diocesan bishop and submit further reasons why the application should be granted or may submit such information and reasons in writing. On such reconsideration the Commission or the diocesan bishop may grant the application or confirm the previous decision. If the Commission or the diocesan bishop confirms the previous decision they shall give reasons in writing which shall be communicated to the applicants through the incumbent.

c) If the application is dismissed and the decision is confirmed by the Commission or the diocesan bishop, or if the applicants do not exercise their rights under subsection b), the application may not be renewed before any Commission or diocesan bishop unless further information is provided.

(5E) by deleting subsection 29 c) (as renumbered) and substituting the following:

c) If the Commission or the diocesan bishop is of the opinion that a prior purported marriage of an applicant did not constitute a marriage as defined by this Canon, the Commission or the diocesan bishop may refer the application to the Chancellor who may, if the conditions of Part III, section 20, are satisfied, make a declaration under that section in respect of the marriage in question.

(5F) by deleting section 29 in Part VI, by renumbering sections 27 and 28 in Part VI to be sections 30 and 31, and by renumbering sections 30 to 33 in Part VI to be sections 32 to 35.

(5G) by deleting subsection 30 a) (as renumbered) and substituting the following:

a) Subject to section 31, there may be in each diocese an Ecclesiastical Matrimonial Commission to deal with applications under Part IV.

(5H) by deleting section 34 (as renumbered) and substituting the following:

34. Limitation of Jurisdiction

Every finding and determination by a Commission or a diocesan bishop shall be expressly stated to be made solely for the purposes of this Canon and not for the purpose of performing any function of a civil court or other civil authority, and shall be confined to granting or refusing permission to remarry.

(5I) by deleting section 35 (as renumbered) and substituting the following:

35. Persons Serving in or Attached to the Canadian Forces

a) This section applies to a person who is enrolled in the Canadian Forces who is serving in the regular forces or who is a member of the reserve forces on continuous duty with the regular forces, or a person who in accordance with the National Defence Act, accompanies the Canadian Forces, and the dependents of all such persons.

b) A person described in clause a) may forward an application under this Part to the Anglican chaplain responsible for his or her pastoral care.

c) On receiving an application the chaplain may forward the application to the Ecclesiastical Matrimonial Commission or to the bishop of the diocese in which the applicant resides or to the Bishop Ordinary to the Canadian Forces.

d) Nothing in this section prevents a person from making an application in the manner prescribed by this Part.

(6) by deleting Part VII (Forms) and substituting the following:



30. The Council of the General Synod, a Commission, a diocesan bishop or the Bishop Ordinary to the Canadian Forces may approve forms for use in the administration of this Canon.

(7) by striking out Section 14 of Schedule B and substituting therefor the following:

14. If one or both of the applicants do not reside in the parish, the procedure outlined in section 26 c) may apply.

(8) by striking out the reference “See Part IV, Section 22c) at the beginning of Schedule C and substituting therefor “See Part IV, Section 26 d)”.

(9) by striking out the reference “See Part VI, Section 30" at the beginning of Schedule D and substituting therefor “See Part III, Section 22.”

(10) by striking out section 6 in Schedule D.

(11) by striking out paragraph 8 of Schedule E and substituting the following:

8. If either party has been previously married or has cohabited in a common law or de facto marriage, it is important that there be specific discussions about the past relationships, the reasons for the breakdown of any past relationships, the effect of any continuing obligations, financial or otherwise, to a former partner or children of a previous marriage or relationship, potential problems related to access to or custody of such children, and the potential integration of such children into a new family unit.

The amended motion was then put and -

Act 56

Communications and Information Resources Committee – Terms of Reference

Moved by: Ms. Judy Darling
Seconded by: Ms. Tanya Moxley

That the Information Resources Committee Terms of Reference, Appendix B article 4 of the Handbook of the General Synod, be deleted and replaced with;

4. Communications and Information Resources Committee

  1. Duties and Responsibilities
    1. Develop and oversee a communications policy for General Synod
    2. Interpret and carry forward the intentions of General Synod with regard to information and communications.
    3. Discern and be responsive to the information and communications needs of Canadian Anglicans.
    4. Provide policy guidelines for coordinating the following areas of work:
      1. Corporate communications
      2. Information services (including Library, Archives, Data Management, Web Site and Resource Distribution)
      3. Merchandizing and distribution (Anglican Book Centre retail and trade sales)
      4. Resource production (including Anglican Video, ABC Publishing, MinistryMatters)
    5. Maintain liaison with the Anglican Journal Board
    6. Facilitate communications between General Synod and dioceses and among dioceses
    7. Exercise those functions common to all committees, namely:
      1. develop annual budget proposals
      2. coordinate work with other committees and groups through the Mission Coordination Group
      3. report regularly to the Council of General Synod
      4. encourage theological reflection on stewardship and on the committee’s mandate
      5. within the committee’s mandate, do functional strategic planning and visioning
      6. maintain liaison with the House of Bishops
      7. when deemed appropriate, invite partners (international, ecumenical or internal) to join the committee
      8. at least once in each triennium, review policies governing the various areas of work of the Communications and Information Resources Department.
  2. Organization
    1. The Communications and Information Resources Committee will oversee the work of corporate communications, information services, merchandizing and distribution and resource production for the General Synod.
    2. The Communications and Information Resources Committee will maintain liaison with the Anglican Journal Board through its common members. At the appropriate time in the triennium, the Communications and Information Resources Committee may nominate possible names to the Council of General Synod for membership on the Anglican Journal Board.
    3. The ways of working will be established by the Communications and Information Resources Committee to address its duties and responsibilities and may from time to time include the establishment of sub-committees which will be created according to the procedures outlined in Procedures for Sub-units of Standing Committees in the Handbook of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada.

Act 57

Anglican Journal Terms of Reference

Moved by: Rev. Rob Towler

Seconded by: Bishop Donald Young

That the terms of reference as published in the 13th edition of the Handbook of General Synod – Appendix C be rescinded and replaced by the following:


The Corporation

1. Anglican Journal is a federally incorporated organization with controlling interest held by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada. It was federally incorporated as of January 23, 2002 under the Canada Corporations Act as Anglican Journal/Journal Anglican and qualified for charitable status on April 12, 2002 (BN 86598 8116 RR0001).

2. The objects of the Corporation are:

(a) to advance and present the Christian faith and stimulate debate on issues of concern to the Church;

(b) to inform Anglicans in Canada about the domestic and international work of the Church and to provide relevant news of the worldwide communion and of other faith communities;

(c) in furtherance of the foregoing, to do the following:

a. produce, publish and distribute a national newspaper with an independent editorial policy representing Anglicans in Canada, but not being the official voice of the Church;

b. provide a means to distribute other Anglican materials and publications as inserts to the national newspaper;

c. provide a means to distribute other information of value and interest to Anglicans;

d. maintain pertinent information on Anglican membership for the national and diocesan offices of the Anglican Church of Canada in a database format.

3. Anglican Journal is an important instrument of communication for the Anglican Church of Canada. The newspaper is encouraged to express the full range of opinion within the Anglican Church community and is editorially independent. The editor makes all decisions on editorial content. When expression of opinion conflicts with official church policy, as stated by decisions of the General Synod or the Council of the General Synod, the newspaper will, at the same time, carry an explanation by an informed spokesperson of the official position of the church.

4. Anglican Journal operates in accordance with the Statement of Ethics and Standards of the Professional Practice of the Associated Church Press.

The Board of Directors

5. The Board of Directors is the publisher of Anglican Journal and supervises the management of the corporation. The Board of Directors reports to the controlling member (General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada) through the Council of General Synod and liaises with the Communications and Information Resources Committee.

6. The Board of Directors is responsible for the appointment of all officers and establishes the terms of engagement of the Editor. Powers and duties of other officers are such as the terms of their engagement call for or as the Board specifies.

Act 58

Renewal of Marriage Vows

Moved by: Dean Peter Wall
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That this General Synod authorize A Renewal of Marriage Vowsor On The Anniversary of a Marriage for use where permitted by the local Ordinary.

Act 59

The document is attached as Appendix L.

Report of the Nominating Committee

Dean Louise Peters presented the Third Report of the Nomination Committee regarding election to Standing Committees.

Moved by: Dean Louise Peters
Seconded by: Ms. Libby Salter

That the third report of the Nominating Committee be adopted.

Act 60


Communications and Information Resources Committee    





Dorothy Davies-Flindall




John Fletcher

Military Ordinariate



Cheryl Kristolaitis




Edward Lewis

British Columbia



Mel Malton




Sheba McKay




Timothy Morgan

Rupert’s Land



Tanya Moxley

Nova Scotia and PEI



Charles Nurse

New Westminster



Robert Towler




EcoJustice Committee

Ethel Ahenakew




Kevin Arndt

British Columbia



Fiona Brownlee




Cathy Campbell

Rupert’s Land



Kenneth Gray




Peter John Hobbs




Christopher Lind




Susan Moxley

Nova Scotia and PEI



Barbara Nangle




Eric Reynolds

Military Ordinariate



Robyn Thompson




Catherine Torraville

Central Newfoundland



Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee

Jonas Allooloo




George Bruce




Timothy Connor




Walter Deller




Mary Dove

Cariboo (APCI)



Jennifer Gosse

Eastern Newfoundland



Richard LeSueur




Emily Pollock




Paula Sampson




Michelle Staples

Military Ordinariate



Pierre Voyer




Peter Wall




Financial Management and Development Committee

David Daniel




Judy Darling




Geoffrey Jackson




Suzanne Lawson




Betty Livingston




Claude Miller




Stanley Sainawap




David Torraville

Central Newfoundland



Michael Wellwood

New Westminster



Partners in Mission Committee

Elizabeth Beardy




Peter Coffin




Julia Davies




Karen Hogg

British Columbia



Godfrey Mawejje

Rupert’s Land



Robert Marsh




Gregory McVeigh




Linda Nicholls




Nigel Packwood




Sandra Sugden

Cariboo (APCI)



Pensions Committee

Jamie Cochran

Nova Scotia and PEI



Ronald Harrison

New Westminster



Stephen Koning




Michael Rolph




Ann Tottenham




Donald Young

Central Newfoundland



Message to the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion

Moved by: Rev. Canon Philip Poole
Seconded by: Archbishop Andrew Hutchison

That this General Synod request the General Secretary to convey to the Reverend Canon Dr. John Peterson its gratitude for his tireless work as Secretary General of the Anglican Communion and wish him God’s blessing as he begins a new ministry in the church.

Act 61

Message to the 130th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada

Moved by: Bishop Colin Johnson
Seconded by: Rev. Canon Philip Poole

That this General Synod extend its prayers and greetings to the members of the 130th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada convening in Oshawa, Ontario this Sunday and offer its congratulations to the Reverend Richard Fee who will be installed as its Moderator.

Act 62

No Debate List – Omnibus Motion

It was proposed that a single motion be made for all of the resolutions remaining on the No-Debate List. Synod, by a show of hands, indicated its acceptance of the proposal.

Moved by: Bishop Michael Ingham
Seconded by: Bishop George Elliott

That this General Synod approve resolutions A179, A180, A251, A252, A253 and A254 Revised.

Act 63

The text of the six resolutions passed by the omnibus motion, follow.

A179 Dialogue with the United Church of Canada
A180 Changes to Episcopal Services Language
A251 Cuba
A252 Sudan
A253 Refugees and Immigrants
A254 Rev. Sanctuary for Refugees

Dialogue with the United Church of Canada

Moved by: Bishop David Ashdown
Seconded by: Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews

That this General Synod welcome the reestablishment of a formal dialogue relationship with the United Church of Canada and request a report of progress from the dialogue group at the General Synod of 2007.

Act 64

Changes to Episcopal Services Language – BAS

Moved by: Bishop Fred Hiltz
Seconded by: Dean Peter Wall

That this General Synod authorize changes to the Episcopal Services in the Book of Alternative Services to reflect gender inclusivity.

Act 65


Moved by: Rev. Jennifer Gosse
Seconded by: Dean Peter Wall

That this General Synod:

  1. Join with the Episcopal Church of Cuba and ecumenical Cuban church partners in calling for an end to the U.S. economic embargo of Cuba;
  2. Request the General Secretary write to the Prime Minister of Canada urging the Government of Canada to maintain a foreign and trade policy towards Cuba that is independent from that of the U.S. and to offer to act as a mediator in the normalization of relations between Cuba and the U.S.

Act 66


Moved by: Bishop Peter Coffin
Seconded by: Bishop Donald Phillips

That this General Synod:

  1. Request the General Secretary write to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs to:
    1. Urge the Government of Canada to press the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the U.S., the UK, and Norway (The “Troika”),and the Sudanese parties to the peace process to ensure that the final peace agreement is substantial and comprehensive in the area of human rights.
    2. Encourage the Government of Canada to:
      • pursue all possible venues for the establishment of an international human rights monitoring team either within a UN mission, or operating under the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights or other international auspices.
      • urge the parties, the Troika and other concerned countries to guarantee the diplomatic protection and funding necessary for the effective operation of this team.
      • share in providing financial and technical support to UN and/or other international monitoring arrangements on human rights in Sudan.
  2. Request the Primate to communicate to our partners in the Sudan (the Episcopal Church of the Sudan, the Sudan Council of Churches, and the New Sudan Council of Churches) our ongoing support and solidarity with the people of Sudan, as we pray that the peace process becomes irreversible and the warring parties proceed to the signing of a peace agreement.

Act 67

Refugees and Immigrants

Moved by: Bishop Gordon Light
Seconded by: Rev. Canon Philip Poole

That this General Synod:

  1. Congratulate dioceses and parishes for 25 years of commitment to Canada’s Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program.
  2. Call on dioceses and parishes to increase their commitment to the private sponsorship of refugees by increasing the number of refugees they are willing to sponsor annually.
  3. Encourage those dioceses that are not Sponsorship Agreement Holders to participate in the sponsorship of refugees either by signing an agreement with the government of Canada and becoming Sponsorship Agreement Holders themselves or by considering a joint ecumenical effort where this is possible.
  4. Call on Anglicans in Canada to continue welcoming refugees and immigrants into their communities.
  5. Affirm the positive contributions refugees and immigrants have made and continue to make to the life of the Anglican Church and to Canada as a whole.
  6. Challenge and denounce irresponsible and unsubstantiated linking of refugees and migrants to security concerns.

Act 68

Sanctuary for Refugees

Moved by: Bishop Sue Moxley
Seconded by: Ms. Mel Malton

That this General Synod direct the Council of General Synod to create a working group within the next triennium to:

  1. develop educational materials that would enable parishes and dioceses to give prayerful consideration to the moral, ethical and legal challenges raised by requests for sanctuary from families and individuals whose claim for refugee status has been rejected by Immigration Canada;
  2. have these ready, at the latest, for the spring meeting of the Council of General Synod in 2007.

Act 69

Amendment to Canon XVII – The Licensing of Clergy – First Reading

Moved by: Chancellor Ronald Stevenson
Seconded by: Rev. Dr. Richard Leggett

That first reading be given to the Resolution that Canon XVII - The Licensing of Clergy - be amended as follows:

1. by re-lettering sections 11 b) to 11 h) to be sections 11 d) to 11 j);

2. by adding two new sections as follows:

11 b) Although it is not possible to set out all the circumstances in which the bishop might make such a decision, they include financial difficulties in a parish, decline in parish membership, redeployment of human resources, and the licensee’s inability to carry out his or her ministry.

11 c) Where the bishop is aware of circumstances that may establish that a licensee has committed an ecclesiastical offense under Canon XVIII, the bishop may not revoke a license instead of making, or referring to the court having jurisdiction, a determination of whether an ecclesiastical offense has been committed.

3. by amending section 11 i), as re-lettered, to read as follows:

11 i) The arbitration board shall provide an opportunity to the licensee and the bishop to make submissions in writing and orally and to respond to the submissions of the other party. It shall determine the length of notice or the amount of pay and benefits in lieu of notice to be given to the licensee including, where appropriate, financial and vocational counselling, and shall take into account prevailing practices in the secular community. The decision of the arbitration board shall be in writing and is final and binding on the licensee and the bishop.

Act 70

Amendment to Canon XXI – On Marriage in the Church – Impediments of Relationship – Second Reading

Moved by: Chancellor Ronald Stevenson
Seconded by: Bishop Barry Hollowell

That second reading be given to the resolution

That Canon XXI be amended:

(1) by striking out section 3 of Part I and substituting therefor the following:

3. Impediments of Relationship

a) Notwithstanding the Table of Kindred and Affinity contained in the Book of Common Prayer (1962), when making the inquiries directed in section 2 the minister shall, with respect to impediments of relationship, be guided by the Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act, as it was in force on June 1, 2004, which prohibits marriages between persons who are related

i) lineally by consanguinity or adoption,

ii) as brother and sister by consanguinity, whether by the whole blood or the half-blood, or

iii) as brother and sister by adoption.

b) In addition to marriages prohibited by law, no person may marry another person if they both live, or have previously lived, in the same household and one of them is or has been treated by the other as a child or parent.

(2) by striking out clause 17 a) ii) of Part III and substituting therefor the following:

ii) they are related to each other

i) lineally by consanguinity or adoption,

ii) as brother and sister by consanguinity, whether by the whole blood or the half-blood, or

iii) as brother and sister by adoption;

(3) by renumbering clause 17 a) iii) of Part III to be clause 17 a) iv) and by inserting a new clause 17 a) iii) as follows:

iii) they both live, or have previously lived, in the same household and one of them is or has been treated by the other as a child or parent; or

Act 71

Amendment to the Declaration of Principles – Eligibility of Clergy

Moved by: Chancellor Ronald Stevenson
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That first reading be given to the resolution that The Declaration of Principles be amended as follows:

1. by amending section 3 c) to read:

c) The Order of Clergy shall consist of clerical members of The Anglican Church of Canada or of a church in full communion with the Anglican Church of Canada elected by the several diocesan synods according to such rules as they may adopt, subject to the provisions of subsection f). In a diocese that has no synodical organization such appointments shall be made by the bishop; and

2. by amending subsection 3 f) vi) to read:

vi) the words “licensed members of the clergy”, as used in this section and elsewhere in the Constitution shall mean all clerical members of The Anglican Church of Canada or of a church in full communion with the Anglican Church of Canada holding the license of the bishop of a diocese to perform the functions of the ordained ministry within the diocese, excepting and excluding those who are resident in the diocese but are on leave from another diocese, and those who are in receipt of benefits from the pension funds of the Church (other than for temporary disability) and who are not in charge of a parish or fully engaged in the work of the ordained ministry.

Act 72

Cultivating a Just Peace . . . True Security

Moved by: Bishop Susan Moxley
Seconded by: Rev. Canon Garth Bulmer

That this General Synod:

1. Endorse the KAIROS led Just Peace…True Security Postcard Campaign that calls on Canada to commit itself to pursuing an Agenda for Just Peace, which will:

Respect Human Rights: Ensure that the civil , political, economic, social and cultural rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its corresponding covenants are indivisible, universal and legally enforceable, and take precedence over trade and investment agreements.

Nurture Social Security: Reorient security spending towards social security, equitable economic development, environmental protection and protection of civil liberties.

Control Arms Exports: Place additional national controls on arms exports and promote an international treaty to prevent arms transfers to governments that show a pattern of persistent human rights violations.

Increase Aid: Increase Official Development Assistance to 0.7% of GNP within the next 5 years, respecting the rights of peoples to determine their own development goals.

Cancel the Debt: Immediately and Unconditionally cancel 100% of the bilateral and multilateral debts of all low-income countries, reject structural adjustment conditionality, and cancel the illegitimate debt of all developing countries.

2. Ask the General Secretary to convey these concerns by letter to the Prime Minister at the time that the commons reconvenes in the fall of 2004.

Act 73

Globalization and Free Trade

Moved by: Mrs. Ethel Ahenakew
Seconded by: Rev. Kevin Arndt

That this General Synod:

  1. Receive and endorse the document, “What Does God Require of Us? A Declaration for Just Trade in the Service of An Economy of Life”, its twelve Principles and corresponding Policy Implications;
  2. Commend its accompanying “Plan of Action – Just Trade Agreements?” to the PWRDF, and the EcoJustice and Partners in Mission Committees of the Anglican Church of Canada for follow-up;
  3. Request that the Primate sign a Canadian Council of Churches titular heads letter commending the Declaration to the Prime Minister;
  4. Work ecumenically through KAIROS and the Canadian Council of Churches to insure that the contents of the Declaration are integrated into the Canadian churches’ contribution to the Government of Canada’s 2004 Foreign Policy Review;
  5. Direct the EcoJustice Committee to develop a “lifestyle integrity program” as suggested in the Action Plan for use in dioceses and parishes.

Act 74

Code of Ethics

Moved by: Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That this General Synod:

  1. ask the Faith Worship and Ministry Committee to produce a guide for dioceses to assist in the development or adaptation, and adoption, of codes of ethics and of best standards for those authorized for the practice of ministry; and
  2. encourage each diocese to develop such codes of ethics during the next 2 triennia 2004-2010, with the assistance of this guide, and to report on progress to General Synod 2007.

Act 75

Standards for Theological Education

Moved by: Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That this General Synod request that the Faith Worship and Ministry Committee, in cooperation with the House of Bishops, undertake a study of educational standards for those training for ordered ministry, engaging as participants individuals from the three orders of ministry and theological educators, to undertake the following tasks:

  1. to review the conversation since the Report of the Task Force for Theological Education for Ordained Ministry, 2001 (Bays Report);
  2. to assess the means for implementation of core expectations/national standards;
  3. to assess the implications of the agreement of full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada for Anglican theological education;
  4. to examine the respective roles of theological colleges and the wider church in practical and immediate post-ordination training.

Friendly Amendment

The mover and seconder agreed to replace the words “ordered ministry” with the words “ordained ministry” in the first sentence.

The amended motion now reads

That this General Synod request that the Faith Worship and Ministry Committee, in cooperation with the House of Bishops, undertake a study of educational standards for those training for ordained ministry, engaging as participants individuals from the three orders of ministry and theological educators, to undertake the following tasks:

  1. to review the conversation since the Report of the Task Force for Theological Education for Ordained Ministry, 2001 (Bays Report);
  2. to assess the means for implementation of core expectations/national standards;
  3. to assess the implications of the agreement of full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada for Anglican theological education;
  4. to examine the respective roles of theological colleges and the wider church in practical and immediate post-ordination training.

The amended motion was put and -

Act 76

Funding for Theological Colleges

Moved by: Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews
Seconded by: Rev. Dr. Tim Connor

That this General Synod request the Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee and the Financial Management and Development Committee to explore ways to encourage the development of funding sources for theological education, including but not limited to:

  • Anglican theological colleges,
  • aboriginal and other training programs,
  • support for students, including professional development for clergy, and graduate theological studies.

Act 77

Presentation to Archbishop Hutchison

Bishop Barry Hollowell rose on a point of personal privilege. He and members from the Diocese of Calgary presented Archbishop Hutchison with a Calgary Flames jersey and a Flames foam finger as the Calgary Flames NHL Hockey Team was playing that evening in the Stanley Cup Finals.

Housing and the Homeless

Moved by: Mrs. Susan Winn
Seconded by: Mrs. Elizabeth Hutchinson

That this General Synod

  1. Affirm the principle that adequate housing is a human right, as stated in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and as stated and interpreted in the International Covenant on Social, Economic, and Cultural Rights.
  2. Affirm this Housing Charter for Canadians:

All Residents of Canada have the right to:

  1. an adequate standard of living to ensure healthy physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and social development and a good quality of life.
  2. safe, affordable housing, which reflects the normal standard of their community, is provided in a timely fashion and shall be appropriate to family size.
  3. participate in decisions about assessment of need and housing location.
  4. accessible and supportive housing as there is need.
  5. emergency housing and shelter in the event of housing crisis or homelessness, recognizing that this is only a temporary measure.
  6. basic social service or welfare income that will provide adequate cost of safe affordable housing.
  7. be served by governments, which acknowledge their responsibility to improve the health and well-being of all Canadians and work co-operatively to ensure adequate and suitable funding for housing.

The foregoing rights are to apply to all Canadians without discrimination according to race, colour, sex, age, sexual orientation, ability/disability, ethnic origin, language, region, property or class, religion or any other distinction. This may entail the use of affirmative action or equity programs in order to redress situations of special individual, community or regional disadvantage.

  1. Affirm the so-called One Percent Solution, calling for Canadian governments at all levels to spend one percent more of their budgets on social housing than they currently do, amounting to $2 billion annually from the federal government and matching amounts from provinces and territories.
  2. Request the General Secretary to write directly to the Prime Minister, urging the Government of Canada to:
  • honour its commitment to the right to adequate housing as a signatory to the International Covenant on Social, Economic, and Cultural Rights
  • deliver on its promise under the Affordable Housing Framework Agreement of 2001 to spend $1 billion over five years on new housing.
  • make provisions in the federal budget to meet the goal of the One Percent Solution ($2 billion annually for new social housing)
  • convene a summit as soon as possible of federal, provincial, and territorial ministers, municipal and Aboriginal housing leaders, and community representatives to find ways to get past the delivery logjam, to roll out new funding and programs, and get affordable housing built.

Request the EcoJustice Committee during the 2004-2007 triennium to encourage Anglicans in parishes, social justice and community ministries, and Indigenous communities to give practical and active support to affordable housing and related initiatives, and to pool information about diocesan initiatives on social housing as a resource for the Church.

Act 78

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Moved by: Mr. Charles Bobbish
Seconded by: Mrs. Ethel Ahenakew

That this General Synod:

  1. Affirm the commitment and diligence of Indigenous leaders and human rights experts around the world who have worked for more than two decades to draft the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and to advocate the adoption of the Declaration by the United Nations General Assembly.
  2. Partner with the Centre for Rights and Democracy, the Quaker Aboriginal Affairs Committee, KAIROS, and Amnesty International Canada, to call upon the Government of Canada to do the following:
    1. Enumerate the articles that Canada can adopt without amendment and precisely identify the perceived problems caused by articles that it cannot adopt without amendments.
    2. Provide assurance that any changes sought by Canada will be fully consistent with Canada’s existing commitments under international law and Supreme Court of Canada decisions, and do not discriminate against Indigenous peoples.
    3. Strongly support renewal of the mandate of the working group on the draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as its mandate will terminate in December 2004.
    4. Confer with representatives of Indigenous peoples in examining means to adopt a methodology conducive to accelerating the proceedings of the UN working group.
    5. Review its strategy and alliances; consider following the example of New Zealand, which recently withdrew from the “CANZUS” group (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United States); and join the Nordic or Latin American group, both of which have a more positive attitude concerning the Declaration.
  3. Mandate the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples and the EcoJustice Committee, through their joint working group on Indigenous justice issues, to work with the Aboriginal Rights Program of KAIROS, among others, to educate Anglican parishes regarding the content of the draft Declaration, its implications for Indigenous peoples in Canada and around the world, and Canada’s role in its adoption.

Act 79

Blessing and Celebration of a Civil Marriage

Moved by: Bishop Fred Hiltz
Seconded by: Dean Peter Wall

That this General Synod authorize Blessing and Celebration of a Civil Marriage for use where permitted by the local Ordinary.


Moved by: Rev. Henry Dunbar
Seconded by: Archdeacon Robert Hardwick

That the motion be amended to read:

That this General Synod authorize Blessing and Celebration of a Civil Marriage (between a man and a woman) for use where permitted by the local Ordinary.


Friendly Amendment

The mover and seconder agreed that the words “if applicable” be inserted following “The Signing of the Parish Register” in the proposed service.


Moved by: Archdeacon Andrew Pike
Seconded by: Rev. Alan Perry

That the signing of the register be deleted from the proposed service.


Friendly Amendment

The mover and seconder agreed that the name of the service be Blessing and Celebration After a Civil Marriage.

Motion to Refer

Moved by: Rev. Canon Fraser Lawton
Seconded by: Dean Michael Rolph

That the motion be referred back to the Faith Worship and Ministry Committee.


Motion to Table

Moved by: Rev. Alan Perry
Seconded by: Rev. Canon Susan Storey

That the motion be tabled.


Vote on the amended motion which now reads:

That this General Synod authorize Blessing and Celebration After a Civil Marriage (between a man and a woman) for use where permitted by the local Ordinary.

Act 80

The amended text of the service Blessing and Celebration After a Civil Marriage is attached as Appendix M.

Night Prayers

Night Prayers were said in the Plenary Hall.

Statement by Dissenting Bishops

The Acting Primate called the House to order. A statement, signed by Bishop William Anderson, Bishop Benjamin Arreak, Bishop Charles Arthurson, Bishop Andrew Atagotaaluk, Bishop Terrence Buckle, Bishop Anthony Burton, Bishop Ronald Ferris, Bishop Donald Harvey and Bishop Larry Robertson expressing concerns about the decisions taken earlier by General Synod with regard to the blessing of same sex unions, was read by Bishop Harvey.

The statement is attached as Appendix N.

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