General Synod 2004 The Anglican Church of Canada
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General Synod 2001

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Reports and Resolutions

SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2004

Parish Visits

General Synod members and partners traveled to parishes in the Diocese of Niagara for morning worship and lunch.  Each parish hosted approximately ten visitors.

Information Dialogues

Members attended their choice of two Information Dialogues, designed to give an overview of the work of the Standing Committees and Council and to discuss important issues addressed during the triennium.

Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples

  • Building the foundations for a New Agape:  Indigenous Justice

Council of the North

  • A discussion of the work of the Council of the North


  • Education, Advocacy and Networking:  the work of Eco-Justice and KAIROS

Faith, Worship and Ministry

  • Anglican Identity – Worship
  • Wellness in Ministry

Financial Management and Development

  • A detailed discussion and analysis of Letting Down the Nets

Communication and Information Resources

  • Forget Where’s Waldo.  Where’s Communication and Information Resources

Partners in Mission

  • The work of Partners in Mission


  • A discussion on all plans administered by The Pension Office

Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund

  • PWRDF – the Anglican Response for Development, Relief and Justice
  • PWRDF – Partnership for Life for a Generation Without AIDS

Nominations for the Position of Deputy Prolocutor

Nominations for the position of Deputy Prolocutor closed at 3:00 PM.

The Primatial Farewell – A farewell to Archbishop Michael Peers

General Synod members, partners and guests traveled to the Sheraton Fallsview Hotel in Niagara Falls for a banquet honouring Archbishop Michael Peers, who served as Primate from June 16, 1986 – February 1, 2004.  Bishop Telmor Sartison, retired national bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada; Archdeacon Jim Boyles, General Secretary, and Archbishop David Crawley, Acting Primate, delivered words of appreciation and a segment of the video Michael Peers: Called to be a Leader was shown. 

Mrs. Dorothy Davies-Flindall presented Archbishop Peers with parting gifts – a gift certificate for a barbecue, the history of his Toronto home, and a framed photograph of the House of Bishops of the Dominion of Canada gathering at the founding of General Synod in 1893. 

Gifts to honour Archbishop Peer’s ministry were, at his request, directed to the newly established Theological Education Trust Fund for Cuba and Malaita. 

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