General Synod 2004 The Anglican Church of Canada
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General Synod 2001

Daily Report
Convening Circular
Council of General Synod
Orders of the Day
Sessional Committees
Standing Committees
Reports and Resolutions

SATURDAY, MAY 29, 2004

Morning Prayer took place in the Plenary Hall.

The Acting Primate, Archbishop David Crawley, was in the chair and called the meeting to order.


Mayor Timothy Rigby brought greetings from the City of St. Catharines and Dr. David Atkinson, President of Brock University, brought greetings from the University.

Host Diocese Welcome

The Bishop of the Diocese of Niagara, the Rt. Rev. Ralph Spence, welcomed members to the Diocese and expressed Niagara’s pride and excitement at hosting General Synod.


The Acting Primate introduced the Head Table

Dean Peter Elliott, Deputy Prolocutor
Mrs. Dorothy Davies-Flindall, Prolocutor
Archbishop David Crawley, Acting Primate
Archdeacon Jim Boyles, General Secretary
Ms. Dianne Izzard, Recording Secretary

And the Chairs and Members of Sessional Committees

Honorary Secretaries:

Mr. Peter Clarke, Honorary Lay Secretary
Ms. Marilyn Dean, Assistant Lay Secretary
Archdeacon Michael Pollesel, Honorary Clerical Secretary
Archdeacon Peter Fenty, Assistant Clerical Secretary


Chancellor Ronald Stevenson, Coordinator
Chancellor Heather Dixon, Keewatin
Chancellor Robert Falby, Toronto
Chancellor Clyne Harradance, Saskatchewan
Chancellor Rhodie Mercer, Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador
Chancellor Percy Tinker, Kootenay

Resolutions Committee:

Bishop George Elliott, Chair

Bishop Elliott briefly addressed Synod and announced that 5:00 P.M., Tuesday, June 1, 2004 was the deadline for receiving resolutions and also the deadline for requesting the removal of motions from the No Debate List.

Nominating Committee Dean Louise Peters, Chair

Dean Peters outlined the responsibilities of the Nominating Committee and announced the following deadlines for nominations: Prolocutor – 4:00 P.M., Friday, May 29; Deputy Prolocutor – 2:00 P.M., Sunday, May 31 and Standing Committees - 9:00 A.M., Tuesday, June 1, 2004.

Agenda Committee Mr. Peter Irish, Chair
Worship Committee Dean Peter Wall, Chair
Expenditures Committee Mr. Stephen Koning, Chair

Overseas, Ecumenical and Full Communion Partners

Archbishop Crawley called on Dr. Eleanor Johnson, Director of Partnerships and Rev. Canon Alyson Barnett-Cowan, Director, Faith, Worship and Ministry, to introduce Overseas, Ecumenical and Full Communion Partners.

Overseas Partners:

Archdeacon Taimalelagi Fagamalama Tuatagaloa-Matalavea
Anglican Observer at the United Nations

Bishop Duleep de Chickera and his wife Geetha
Diocese of Colombo

Ecumenical Partners:

Professor Richard Schneider
President of the Canadian Council of Churches

Rev. Bob Mills,
United Church of Canada and Past General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches

It was noted that the Rev. Canon Stephen Lane of the Episcopal Church of the USA would be arriving later in the meeting.

Anglican Communion Partner

Rev. Canon Gregory Cameron, Director of Ecumenical Affairs and Studies, Anglican Consultative Council

Lutheran Partners:

Bishop Raymond Schultz
National Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Rev. Paul Johnson
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

It was noted that the Rev. Sonja Free of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada would be arriving later in the meeting and that The Rev. Canon Susan Johnson, ELCIC, was in attendance as an Observer-Guest.

Partners from the Diocese of Cuba

Bishop Ralph Spence introduced partners from the Diocese of Cuba, seminary students:

Mr. Leonel Abaroa
Canon Francisco de Arazoza
Mr. Rody Perez Risco

Indigenous Partners

Dr. Eleanor Johnson introduced Ms. Nina Burnham, Diocese of Huron, representing all Indigenous Partners at General Synod.

Courtesies of General Synod

The Acting Primate extended the Courtesies of the General Synod to the partners noted above and to:

Mr. Andrew Ignatieff, Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund
Ms. Ann Kilby, Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund
Dr. Paul Kingston, Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund
Ms. Sheila Ritson-Bennett, Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund


Minutes of the 36th Session of the General Synod

Moved by: Archdeacon Jim Boyles
Seconded by: Mrs. Dorothy Davies-Flindall

That the minutes of the 36th Session of the General Synod, held in Waterloo, Ontario, July 4 - 11, 2001, be adopted as printed in the Journal and as approved by the Certification of Minutes Committee.

Act 2

Reception of Reports

Moved by: Archdeacon Jim Boyles
Seconded by: Dean Peter G. Elliott

That the reports printed in the Convening Circular be received.

Act 3

Reception of Notices of Motion and Memorials

Moved by: Archdeacon Jim Boyles
Seconded by: Dean Peter G. Elliott

That all Notices of Motion and Memorials printed in the Convening Circular be received.

Act 4

Nominating Committee Responsibilities

Moved by: Mrs. Dorothy Davies-Flindall
Seconded by: Archdeacon Jim Boyles

That the Nominating Committee be responsible for arranging balloting and appointing scrutineers in any election where such is required.

Act 5

Rules of Order and Procedure

Moved by: Archdeacon Jim Boyles
Seconded by: Mrs. Dorothy Davies-Flindall

That section 3 c) of the Rules of Order and Procedure be amended to read:

c) During a meeting of the General Synod the Treasurer, overseas, ecumenical and Indigenous partners, and representatives of the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund shall be entitled to be present and, subject to these Rules of Order and Procedure, to participate in any discussion without the right to vote.

Act 6

Nominations for the Position of Prolocutor

The Acting Primate called for nominations for the position of Prolocutor and announced that nominations for this position would close at 4:00 P.M.

Adoption of the Agenda

Moved by: Mr. Peter Irish
Seconded by: Rev. Dr. Stephen Hopkins

That the Draft Agenda #12 be adopted

Act 7

Orders of the Day

Mr. Peter Irish, Chair of the Agenda Committee, reviewed the Orders of the Day for Saturday and Sunday.


Members were reminded that, in accordance with the Rules of Order and Procedure, Section 18 a) “When the question is put, every member present, except the presiding officer, shall be required to vote on the same . . .”

Attention was drawn to a decorative structure standing in the corner of plenary. Created by Marcia Christie of the Church of the Incarnation in Oakville, it represented a cross rising from the water - a variation on the theme of General Synod

Greetings to Bishop Victoria Matthews

Dean Greg Kerr-Wilson rose on a point of privilege to bring greetings from Bishop Victoria Matthews and to convey her thanks for the prayers and the outpouring of love and concern she has received during her illness.

Moved by: Mrs. Dorothy Davies-Flindall
Seconded by: Dean Peter Elliott

That this General Synod send its affectionate greetings to the Bishop of Edmonton, Victoria Matthews, assuring her of our prayers and support as she faces the days ahead.

Act 8

Serving God’s World, Strengthening the Church and
Letting Down the Nets

The Prolocutor, Mrs. Dorothy Davies-Flindall, introduced a presentation on Serving God’s World, Strengthening the Church, a proposed framework for the work of the church 2004 – 2010, and Letting Down the Nets, a funding proposal for the national church.

The session opened with prayer.

Members viewed The Framework, a video that provided the context for the development of the proposed framework.

The Deputy Prolocutor, Dean Peter Elliott, spoke of the mandate of the 2001 General Synod that an intentional listening process be initiated in the church and that recommendations be made to General Synod 2004 for future planning.

Ms. Marion Jenkins reviewed the intentional listening process carried out under the guidance of the Council of General Synod.

Seven priorities within the Framework were highlighted:

  • Deepening Anglican identity . . . for mission and servanthood
  • Nurturing and strengthening Christian communities . . . for local witness to the gospel
  • Telling the story of our vision and our work . . . valuing tools of communication and storytelling
  • Developing and living The New Agape
  • Building stewardship and financial capacity for mission . . . through implementation of Letting Down the Nets
  • Strengthening partnerships in Canada
  • Sustaining international partnerships . . . for mutual support

Canon Geoffrey Jackson introduced Letting Down the Nets, a stewardship initiative and plan for raising significant new funds for mission and ministry. The plan focuses on four major areas:

  • Stewardship education and congregational development
  • Proportional gifts
  • Annual appeals
  • Planned giving and major gifts

Comments were invited and received. The session concluded with prayer.

Blessing of Same Sex Unions

Following the lunch break, the meeting reconvened in Discussion Group format for a presentation on the Blessing of Same Sex Unions. The Acting Primate opened the session with prayer.

The Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews and Bishop Fred Hiltz provided the context in which Faith Worship and Ministry had been asked to work on bringing this issue to General Synod and reviewed the work of the committee and of the Council of General Synod in crafting the motion that would come before Synod later in the meeting.

Rev. Canon Gregory Cameron

Dr. Andrews introduced the Rev. Canon Gregory Cameron, Director of Ecumenical Affairs and Studies in the Anglican Communion Office and Secretary of the Lambeth Commission on Communion, who addressed Synod. He saluted General Synod’s courage in debating such a controversial subject. Canon Cameron provided the Anglican Communion context of the debate by presenting the viewpoints of various members of the Communion and he spoke of the implications in the Communion of a positive vote and of a negative vote.

Table Group Discussions

Lt. Col. Rev. Canon John Fletcher and Bishop Fred Hiltz introduced clause one of Resolution A134, dealing with the blessing of same sex unions.

Table Groups discussed clause one of the resolution and recorded their response to the questions:

What do you find encouraging about the clause?
What do you find challenging about the clause?

Chancellor Ronald Stevenson and Archbishop Terry Finlay introduced clause two of the resolution. Table groups discussed clause two and responded to the same questions.

Diocesan Caucuses

Members of Synod met in diocesan groups.

Election of the Prolocutor

Nominating Committee Chair, Dean Louise Peters, presented the names of those nominated for the position of Prolocutor:

Mrs. Judy Darling Diocese of Ottawa
Dean Peter Elliott Diocese of New Westminster
Mr. Peter Irish Diocese of Fredericton

The Acting Primate declared that nominations for the position of Prolocutor were closed.

The nominators briefly addressed synod sharing with delegates why they should vote for their candidate.

Ballots were distributed and collected. The Acting Primate declared the balloting closed.


Amendment to Canon III – The Primacy – Resignation Process

Moved by: Archdeacon Patricia Johnston
Seconded by: Bishop Ann Tottenham

That section 7 of Canon III – The Primacy – be repealed and the following substituted therefore:

    1. Resignation from Office
      1. The Primate may submit notice of intention to resign from the office of Primate to the Provincial Metropolitan senior by election.
      2. The senior Metropolitan shall, after consultation with the other Metropolitans and with the Prolocutor and Deputy Prolocutor of the General Synod, jointly with the Primate determine the date on which the Primate’s resignation should take effect.
      3. The Primate shall then submit to the senior Metropolitan, and the senior Metropolitan shall accept, a resignation to take effect on the date determined pursuant to section 7 b).
      4. The senior Metropolitan shall report the resignation to the Council of the General Synod and to the Order of Bishops of the General Synod.
      5. The title of the Primate after ceasing to hold office shall continue to be “Archbishop”.

Act 9

Amendment to Canon III - The Primacy – Term of Office

Moved by: Archdeacon Patricia Johnston
Seconded by: Bishop Ann Tottenham

That section 3 of Canon III - The Primacy - be repealed and the following substituted therefor:

  1. Term of Office
    1. The term of office of the Primate shall commence upon election to the office.
    2. The Primate shall, as soon as practicable and not more than 90 days after being elected, resign from the episcopal or metropolitical offices held at the time of election.
    3. The Primate shall cease to hold office
      1. when he or she has held office for nine years or, if the term has been extended under section 3 d), when he or she has held office for 12 years.
      2. when he or she attains the age of 70 years,
      3. on the effective date of a resignation submitted and accepted under section 7, or
      4. when a resolution is adopted under section 8 d) declaring the Primacy vacant,

      whichever first occurs.

    4. The Primate may, no earlier than 18 months before and no later than 12 months before the ninth anniversary of the Primate’s election, submit to the Council of the General Synod and to the Order of Bishops a request for an extension of his or her term of office to the twelfth anniversary of that election. If both the Council of the General Synod and the Order of Bishops accede to the Primate's request within six months, the Primate's term of office shall be extended as requested; otherwise it shall expire on the ninth anniversary of the Primate's election.


Moved by: Archbishop Terrence Finlay
Seconded by: Mrs. Dorothy Davies-Flindall

That the motion be amended by deleting the word “election” in subsection a) and replacing it with the word “installation”.


The amended resolution was then put and -

Act 10

The Acting Primate confirmed that the resolution had not received the requisite 2/3 majority in the Orders of Clergy and Laity voting together, but was carried in the Order of Bishops.

Amendment to Canon III - The Primacy – Duties of the Primate

Moved by: Archdeacon Patricia Johnston
Seconded by: Bishop Ann Tottenham

That section 4 of Canon III - The Primacy - be repealed and the following substituted therefor:

  1. Duties of the Primate
    1. The Primate shall
      1. exercise pastoral and spiritual leadership throughout The Anglican Church of Canada,
      2. function as the President of the General Synod, the Chair of the Council of the General Synod, the Chair of the meetings of Metropolitans and the Chair of the meetings of the House of Bishops,
      3. function as the Chief Executive Officer of the staff of the General Synod and shall delegate such duties of that office as the Primate deems appropriate, to the General Secretary and other executive members of the staff of the General Synod,
      4. give leadership in developing the policies and strategies of The Anglican Church of Canada,
      5. oversee the implementation of the decisions of the General Synod and the Council of the General Synod,
      6. report to each meeting of the Council of the General Synod and to the General Synod,
      7. speak in the name of The Anglican Church of Canada after consultation with, or in accordance with the policies set by, the Council of the General Synod or the General Synod,
      8. be, ex officio, a member of all committees, councils, boards and commissions, standing or special, appointed under any provision of the Constitution or any Canon enacted by the General Synod, or under any resolution of the General Synod, or of the Council of the General Synod,
      9. visit every diocese of The Anglican Church of Canada,
      10. represent The Anglican Church of Canada internationally and ecumenically.
    2. The Primate may, after consultation with the Provincial Metropolitans and the Chapter of the Anglican Military Ordinariate and subject to the provision of financial requirements, appoint a Bishop Ordinary who shall have episcopal jurisdiction over the chaplains of The Anglican Church of Canada on duty with the Canadian Forces.

Act 11

Suspension of the Rules of Order and Procedure

Moved by: Archbishop Terrence Finlay
Seconded by: Mrs. Dorothy Davies-Flindall

That the Rules of Order #13 be suspended for the purpose of introducing an amendment to Canon #3.


Amendment to Canon III – The Primacy – Taking up Office

Moved by: Archbishop Terrence Finlay
Seconded by: Mrs. Dorothy Davies-Flindall

That Section 3a) of Canon #3 be amended by deleting the word “election” and inserting the word “installation”.

Act 12

Rev. David Johnson rose on a point of order and questioned if the motion would take effect on prorogation. Chancellor Stevenson responded that in accordance with Section 24 of the Constitution of the General Synod – Procedure and Practice, “all enactments of the General Synod shall come into force and operation as soon as passed.”

Election of the Prolocutor – Results of the First Ballot

Dean Peter Elliott – 134
Mr. Peter Irish – 94
Mrs. Judy Darling – 44

Total number of ballots cast – 272

There was one spoiled ballot.

The name of the nominee with the lowest number of votes was dropped, leaving two names on the ballot. Ballots were distributed and collected. The Acting Primate declared the balloting closed.

Amendment to the Constitution – Information Resources Committee

Moved by: Ms. Judy Darling
Seconded by: Rev. Robert Towler

That section 39 of the Constitution of the General Synod be amended

  1. by deleting section 39 a) vi) and substituting the following:
    1. Communications and Information Resources Committee.
  2. by deleting section 39 f) and substituting the following:
    1. The Communications and Information Resources Committee shall consist of fourteen members:
      1. 10 of the members shall be elected by the General Synod
      2. at least 6 of the members elected by the General Synod shall be members of the General Synod, of whom at least one shall be a member of the Council of the General Synod
      3. 4 members shall be appointed by the Primate who, in making the appointments, shall consider expertise in aspects of the Committee’s work
      4. at least 2 of the members must be members of the Anglican Journal Board.

Act 13

Amendment to the Constitution – Officers of General Synod

Moved by: Chancellor Ronald Stevenson
Seconded by: Archdeacon Jim Boyles

That the Constitution of the General Synod be amended

(a) by deleting Section 12 and substituting the following:

12. The Officers of the General Synod

The Officers of the General Synod shall be:

  1. The Primate
  2. The Prolocutor
  3. The Deputy Prolocutor
  4. The General Secretary
  5. The Treasurer
  6. The Chancellor
  7. The Vice-Chancellor, if appointed
  8. two Officers-at-large (one Clergy, one Laity) elected by the Council of the General Synod from its own membership [resident in ecclesiastical provinces other than those of the Prolocutor and Deputy Prolocutor].

(b) by renumbering sections 17 to 19 to be sections 18 to 20 and inserting a new section 17 as follows:

17. The Treasurer

a) The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Council of the General Synod on nomination of the Primate after consultation with Financial Management and Development Committee.

b) The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all monies of the General Synod under the authority of the General Synod, the Council of the General Synod or the Financial Management and Development Committee, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Constitution, the Canons and resolutions of the General Synod, the Council of the General Synod or the Financial Management and Development Committee.

c) During sessions of the General Synod the Treasurer shall be entitled to be present and, subject to the Rules of Order and Procedure, to participate in discussion without the right to vote.

Act 14

Amendment to Canon VI – The Treasurer

Moved by: Chancellor Ronald Stevenson
Seconded by: Archdeacon Jim Boyles

That Canon VI of the General Synod (Financial Management) be amended by deleting section 1 and renumbering sections 2 to 6 to be sections 1 to 5.

Act 15

No Debate List

Bishop George Elliott presented the No Debate List (as of 3:00 PM, May 29th).

A110 General Synod’s Investment Powers
A151 Cultivating a Just Peace
A153 0.7% Development Goal
A154 Globalization and Free Trade
A155 Ballistic Missile Defence
A156 Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect
A157 Housing and Homelessness
A158 Environmental Audit
A159 Kyoto Accord
A172 BAS – Inclusion in The Calendar – Emily Ayckbown
A173 BAS – Inclusion in The Calendar – Rev. Florence Li Tim Oi
A179 Dialogue with United Church of Canada
A189 Changes to Episcopal Services Language – BAS
A230 Incorporation of the Pension Office
A250 Colombia
A251 Cuba
A252 Sudan
A253 Refugees and Immigrants
A254 Sanctuary
C001 Rejection of War
C003 Youth Development

Bishop Elliott announced that 5:00 PM, Tuesday, June 1st was the deadline for removing resolutions from the list.

Election of the Prolocutor

Dean Louise Peters announced the results of the second ballot:

Dean Peter Elliott – 161
Mr. Peter Irish – 116
Spoiled Ballots – 2
Total ballots cast – 279

The Acting Primate declared that Dean Peter Elliott was elected Prolocutor.

Act 16

Nominations for the Position of Deputy Prolocutor

Dean Louise Peters called for nominations for the position of Deputy Prolocutor and announced that the deadline for nominations was 3:00 PM, Sunday, May 30th.

Destruction of Ballots

Moved by: Dean Louise Peters
Seconded by: Rev. Alan Perry

That the ballots for the election of the Prolocutor be destroyed.


Review of Election Procedures

The General Secretary reviewed in detail the procedures for the election of the new primate, which would place Monday, May 31st in the Sean O’Sullivan Theatre on the Brock University campus.

Greetings from Bishop James M. Wingle

The Acting Primate read a letter from The Most Rev. James M. Wingle, Roman Catholic Diocese of St. Catharines, welcoming General Synod members.

Night Prayer

The session concluded with Night Prayer.

The Prolocutor assumed the chair and declared the session adjourned.

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