General Synod 2004 The Anglican Church of Canada
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General Synod 2001

Daily Report
Convening Circular
Council of General Synod
Orders of the Day
Sessional Committees
Standing Committees
Reports and Resolutions


Morning Prayer was held in the Plenary Hall.

The Acting Primate was in the chair.

Orders of the Day

Mr. Peter Irish reviewed the Orders of the Day.

Blessing of Same Sex Unions

Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews introduced the session. Dr. Walter Deller, Principal of the College of Emmanuel and St. Chad synthesized the comments gathered earlier from the table group discussions on Clauses One and Two of the proposed resolution on the blessing of same sex unions and gave his interpretation of them. Ms. Leila Zimmer and the Rev. Canon Murray Still introduced Clauses 3 and 4 of the proposed resolution. Mrs. Maria Jane Highway spoke of how the issue had touched First Nations communities and emphasized that time was needed for the discussion to take place. Bishop George Bruce and Bishop Bruce Howe introduced Clause 5 and reported on the activity of the Taskforce on Adequate Episcopal Oversight.

Committee of the Whole

Moved by: Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews
Seconded by: Rev. Canon Murray Still

That this General Synod move into the Committee of the Whole.


The Committee of the Whole discussed the blessing of same sex unions and the resolution coming before Synod.

Moved by: Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews
Seconded by: Rev. Canon Philip Poole

That General Synod rise from the Committee of the Whole.


Celebration of the Holy Eucharist

The Holy Eucharist was celebrated with Bishop Susan Moxley presiding and preaching.

Recognition of Anglican Video

The Prolocutor, Mrs. Dorothy Davies-Flindall rose on a point of personal privilege to commend the work of Anglican Video on its being awarded a Silver Screen Award by the International Film and Television Association for the video, Our Church Lives.

Provincial Caucuses

Members of Synod met in provincial groups in order to nominate members to the Council of the General Synod for the 2004-2007 triennium.

The Prolocutor assumed the chair.

Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples (ACIP) Presentation

Mr. Todd Russell, co-chair of the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples introduced the presentation, which gave a brief history of the colonization experience and the experience of relationship between the Anglican Church and Indigenous peoples; their experience of oppression; their Covenant vision of 1994 and the creation of the Indigenous Covenant Implementation Commission (ICIC), formed to respond to The New Agape's goal of self-determination.

Presenters: Rev. Arthur Anderson Mr. Willard Martin
  Ms. Yolanda Bird Rev. Gloria Moses
  Ms. Nina Burnham Rev. Andrew Wesley
  Mr. Brian Burrows Rev. Mervin Wolfleg
  Ms. Verna Firth  

Partners’ Reflections

Bishop Raymond Schultz

Bishop Raymond Schultz, National Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) offered his reflections. Since the signing of the Waterloo Declaration, things have essentially gone very well. He noted the similarities in the two churches’ strategic plans and said that his church, too, was experiencing the same disputes arising from changes in society.

The Acting Primate thanked Bishop Shultz and presented him with an appreciation gift.

Professor Richard Schneider

Professor Richard Schneider, President of the Canadian Council of Churches, spoke of ecumenism and said that any decision on the issue of the blessing of same sex unions would, for the Anglican Church, be a church-defining moment.

The Acting Primate thanked Professor Schneider and presented him with an appreciation gift.

Report of the Nominating Committee – Council of General Synod

Dean Louise Peters presented the report of the Nominating Committee listing members elected to the Council of General Synod by the Provincial Caucuses.



Archbishop Andrew Hutchison


Dean Peter Elliott

Deputy Prolocutor

Mr. Peter Irish


The Hon. Ronald Stevenson

General Secretary Archdeacon Jim Boyles (non voting)

Elected Members:


Bishop Bishop Percy Coffin
Bishop Susan Moxley
Clergy Archdeacon Dennis Drainville
Archdeacon Cyrus Pitman
Lay Mrs. Shara Golden
Mrs. Margaret Jenniex
Mrs. Susan Winn
Mr. Clarence Randell
Youth Ms. Melissa Kane


Bishop Bishop Robert Bennett
Bishop Caleb Lawrence
Clergy Archdeacon Susan DeGruchy
Dean Peter Wall
Lay Mrs. Judy Darling
Mrs. Dorothy Davies-Flindall
Canon Robert Falby
Mrs. Betty Livingston
Youth Ms. Meghan Nicholls


Bishop Bishop Rodney Andrews
Archbishop John Clarke

Archdeacon Larry Beardy
Rev. Nigel Packwood
Rev. James Robinson

Lay Ms. Shelagh Balfour
Ms. Marilyn Dean
Mr. John Hareuther
Ms. Angie Kubluitok
Mr. Peter Monk
Youth Ms. Sheba McKay


Bishop Bishop Michael Ingham

Rev. Canon John Steele
Archdeacon Peter Zimmer

Lay Ms. Karen Rinehart-Pidcock
Ms. Dorothy Smith
Mr. Don Thompson
Youth Ms. Emily Pollock



Archdeacon Karl McLean


Moved by: Dean Louise Peters
Seconded by: Bishop Jim Cowan

That the Report of the Nominating Committee outlining membership on the 2004 – 2007 Council of the General Synod be adopted.

Act 21

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