General Synod 2004 The Anglican Church of Canada
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General Synod 2001

Daily Report
Convening Circular
Council of General Synod
Orders of the Day
Sessional Committees
Standing Committees
Reports and Resolutions


Morning Prayer was held in the Plenary Hall.

The Acting Primate was in the chair.

Presentation on HIV/AIDS

The Ribbon of Hope, a 40 feet long patchwork banner created by General Synod members under the guidance of artistic director Mr. Thomas Roach as a symbol of remembrance and hope for victims of HIV/AIDS, was paraded into the plenary hall and formed a backdrop for the presentation.

Mr. Andrew Ignatieff, Executive Director of the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) introduced Stephen Lewis, the United Nations Secretary General’s Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS, who spoke of the worldwide pandemic. The world is in a crisis situation with HIV/AIDS and there does not seem to be a political will to fight it. Mr. Lewis implored the church to find time to address the issue.

Mr. Ignatieff thanked Mr. Lewis and called upon Mrs. Mary Dove, Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior and Mrs. Shara Golden, Diocese of Fredricton who presented cheques to Mr. Lewis for the Stephen Lewis Foundation.

Ms. Susie Henderson introduced the video For a Generation Without AIDS. A panel discussed what the church is doing in Canada and in other countries.


Mr. Ron Chaplin, Diocese of Ottawa and Chair, Ottawa Carleton Council on AIDS, spoke of two social evils that must be overcome – the policy of exclusion and the policy of silencing.

Dean Peter Elliott, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral in Vancouver, spoke of four ways in which churches can help: prayer and consciousness raising, education, political advocacy and fundraising.

Archdeacon Taimalelagi Fagamalama Tuatagaloa-Matalavea, Anglican Observer at the United Nations, spoke of the need to break the silence about HIV/AIDS and told of training for priests and primates being provided by the Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa.

Support for Partnership for Life Campaign

Moved by: Mrs. Cecily Hinton
Seconded by: Rev. Canon Godfrey Mawajje

That this General Synod:

1. Endorse the Partnership for Life Campaign of PWRDF, urging the Government of Canada to

  • Lead the international community to increase access to affordable medicines for the world’s poorest populations as part of our commitment to the universal right to health care.
  • Triple Canada’s contribution to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, without taking these funds from existing commitments to international development assistance.
  • Challenge international financial institutions’ current practices demanding debt repayment and imposing structural adjustment austerity measures that limit people’s capacity to ensure their own health and well being.

2. Ask the General Secretary to convey these concerns by letter to the Prime Minister.

Act 22

HIV/AIDS Stigma and Discrimination

Moved by: Dean Peter Elliott
Seconded by: Mr. Gordon Yarde

That this General Synod:

  1. Announce that the Anglican Church of Canada stands with people living with HIV/AIDS;
  2. Urge the members of the Anglican Church of Canada to work towards the eradication of stigma and discrimination in our church and society, against people living with HIV/AIDS;
  3. Ask the PWRDF, in collaboration with the EcoJustice and Partners in Mission Committees, to develop a comprehensive strategy over the next triennium to engage the Anglican Church of Canada members in fighting the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS; and to encourage the dioceses and parishes to get involved and develop local programs and other responses that are inclusive and to engage in the fight for de-stigmatization of HIV positive people.
  4. Ask the Council of General Synod to express the Anglican Church of Canada’s solidarity with bishops, clergy and lay people, especially in Africa, who are showing leadership in fighting the HIV/AIDS pandemic by reaching out in partnership to people living with AIDS, not as the objects of charity, but as equal partners.

Act 23

Presentation to PWRDF

Bishop Fred Hiltz introduced Mr. Roy Newcombe, who on behalf of the Parish of Christ Church Cherry Valley, PEI, presented a cheque for $33,334 to the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund. Ms. Sheila Ritson-Bennett accepted the cheque on behalf of the Fund.

Partner’s Reflection

Archdeacon Taimalelagi Fagamalama Tuatagaloa-Matalavea

Archdeacon Taimalelagi Fagamalama Tuatagaloa-Mataleavea reported on her work as the Anglican Observer at the United Nations.

The Acting Primate thanked Archdeacon Tuatagaloa-Matalavea and presented her with an appreciation gift.

Financial Management and Development Presentation

Mr. Robert Dickson, Chair of the Financial Management and Development Committee, and Mr. Jim Cullen, Treasurer, presented the report. Background was provided on the financial challenges of the past triennium.

From 2000 to 2003 revenue dropped from $11.3 million to $10.2 million. In 2003 the deficit was $378,882, with $370,253 attributed to losses in the Anglican Book Centre.

The 2004 budget has been cut with efforts made to preserve some flexibility awaiting General Synod’s direction regarding The Framework. In order to achieve a balanced budget, ABC has to return to profitability.

It is anticipated that 2005 revenues will be at the same level as 2004 with an estimated deficit of $650,000. Moving forward, dioceses will be encouraged to increase or maintain their proportional giving to General Synod; General Synod will work to increase income, promote Anglican Appeal, increase Planned Giving activity, monitor expenditures carefully and, if cuts are necessary, preserve the capacity for future expansion.

The Prolocutor assumed the chair.

Report of the Nominating Committee

Dean Louise Peters presented the first report of the Nominating Committee.

Moved by: Dean Louise Peters
Seconded by: Ms. Rayleen Nash

That the first report of the Nominating Committee regarding Standing Committees for the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada 2004 be received.

Act 24

The Acting Primate assumed the chair.


Audited Financial Statements

Moved by: Canon Geoff Jackson
Seconded by: Mr. Stephen Koning

That the audited financial statements of the General Synod for the year ended December 31, 2003 be accepted.

Act 25

Appointment of Auditors

Moved by: Canon Geoff Jackson
Seconded by: Mr. Stephen Koning

That Ernst and Young be appointed auditors for the year ending December 31, 2004 at remuneration to be approved by the Audit Committee.

Act 26

Amendment to Canon XXI – On Marriage in the Church – Remarriage of Divorced Persons – Matrimonial Commissions – Second Reading

Moved by: Chancellor Ronald Stevenson
Seconded by: Bishop Barry Hollowell

That second reading be given to the resolution

That Canon XXI be amended

(1) by striking out clause 16 b) and substituting therefor the following:

b) “Chancellor” means the chancellor of a diocese;

(2) by striking out the word “Commission” wherever it appears in Part III, in Schedule B or in Schedule D and substituting therefor the word “Chancellor”;

(3) by striking out the word “its” in the second line of clause 20 a) and substituting therefor the words “the Chancellor’s”;

(4) by adding at the end of Part III the following new sections:

22. Procedure

The Chancellor shall follow the procedure set out in the provisions of Schedule D.

23. Avoidance of Delay

The Chancellor shall deal with each application as expeditiously as possible.

24. Limitation of Jurisdiction

Every finding and determination of the Chancellor shall be and shall be expressly stated to be made solely for the purposes of this Canon and not for the purpose of performing any function of a civil court or other civil authority, and shall otherwise be confined to the findings and declaration necessary for disposing of the application in respect of which it is made.

25. Persons Serving in or Attached to the Canadian Forces

a) This section applies to a person who is enrolled in the Canadian Forces who is serving in the regular forces or who is a member of the reserve forces on continuous duty with the regular forces, or a person who in accordance with the National Defence Act, accompanies the Canadian Forces, and the dependents of all such persons.

b) A person described in clause a) may forward an application under this Part to the Anglican chaplain responsible for his or her pastoral care.

c) On receiving an application the chaplain may forward the application to the Chancellor of the diocese in which the applicant resides or to the Bishop Ordinary to the Canadian Forces who shall designate a diocesan chancellor to hear the application.

d) Nothing in this section prevents a person from making an application in the manner prescribed by this Part.

(5) by repealing Part IV (Sections 22 to 25) of the Canon and substituting the following:



26. Definition

In this Part “incumbent” includes an Anglican chaplain responsible for the pastoral care of persons enrolled in the Canadian Forces.

27. Application for Permission to Remarry

a) An application for permission to marry each other according to the rites of this Church may be made by two persons, one or both of whom has or have gone through a ceremony or ceremonies of marriage with a person or persons now living not a party or parties to the application, if the prior marriage or marriages is or are not questioned under this Canon in the application but has or have been dissolved or terminated by a legislature or legislatures or a court or courts or by another act or acts or event or events according to the laws applicable thereto.

b) Where a marriage or purported marriage has been annulled for a defect not mentioned in section 17 of Part III of this Canon, and no defect mentioned in that section is alleged in respect thereof, it shall be deemed for the purposes of this Canon to have been dissolved.

c) The application shall be made to and determined by the incumbent of the parish or mission where it is desired that the intended marriage be celebrated.

d) The incumbent may request other competent persons who are readily accessible to one or both of the parties to interview the parties and report to the incumbent where

i) both parties to the intended marriage reside a significant distance from the proposed place of marriage,

ii) the parties live a significant distance from each other, or

iii) other circumstances require it.

e) The application shall be made in writing and signed by the applicants and shall contain the information required by Schedule C.

f) The incumbent shall ensure, where needed and possible, that appropriate pastoral care is provided to former partners who are not applicants.

28. Permission to Remarry

The incumbent may grant permission to remarry if the incumbent is satisfied that:

a) the applicants understand the nature of Christian marriage as stated in this Canon and intend to enter into such a marriage and believe that they have the capacity to enter into and sustain the marriage during their joint lives;

b) any prior marriage in question has been validly dissolved or terminated in accordance with the law properly applicable thereto;

c) the applicant concerned tried in good faith before dissolution to effect reconciliation with the other party;

d) adequate provision has been made for a former spouse of a divorced applicant according to the means of the applicant and the means and needs of the former spouse;

e) proper provision has been made for the care, maintenance, education and advancement of minor, disabled or otherwise dependent children of any prior marriage;

f) if the children of a prior marriage are to live with the applicants, there is a reasonable prospect that the family relationship will be satisfactory.

29. Special Cases

a) If the incumbent is satisfied that efforts towards reconciliation between the parties to a former marriage would have been ineffective as a result of the fault of either party or for any other reason, the requirement of clause 28 c) may be dispensed with.

b) If either applicant has entered into two or more marriages that have been dissolved, the incumbent may, before granting permission, seek the advice of other competent persons.

c) If the incumbent is of the opinion that a prior purported marriage of an applicant did not constitute a marriage as defined by this Canon, the incumbent may refer the application to the Chancellor who may, if the conditions of Part III, section 20, are satisfied, make a declaration under that section in respect of the marriage in question.

d) If an incumbent declines for reasons of conscience to entertain an application for permission to remarry, the incumbent shall refer the applicants to a priest designated by the bishop and, if that priest grants the application, shall permit that priest or another priest to solemnize the marriage in the incumbent’s church.

e) If an incumbent declines for reasons of conscience to solemnize a marriage pursuant to permission given under this Part, the incumbent shall refer the applicants to a priest designated by the bishop and shall permit that priest or another priest to solemnize the marriage in the incumbent’s church.

(6) by repealing Part VI (Ecclesiastical Matrimonial Commission) and Part VII (Forms) and substituting the following new Part V:

Part V


30. Forms for use in the administration of this Canon may be authorized by the Council of the General Synod, by the diocesan bishop or by the Bishop Ordinary to the Canadian Forces.

(7) by striking out Section 14 of Schedule B and substituting therefor the following:

14. If one or both of the applicants do not reside in the parish, the procedure outlined in Section 27 d) may apply.

(8) by striking out the reference “See Part IV, Section 22(c)” at the

beginning of Schedule C and substituting therefor “See Part IV,

Section 27(e).”

(9) by striking out the reference “See Part VI, Section 30" at the beginning of Schedule D and substituting therefor “See Part III, Section 22.”

(10) by striking out section 6 in Schedule D.

(11) by striking out paragraph 8 of Schedule E and substituting the following:

8. If either party has been previously married or has cohabited in a common law or de facto marriage, it is important that there be specific discussions about the past relationships, the reasons for the breakdown of any past relationships, the effect of any continuing obligations, financial or otherwise, to a former partner or children of a previous marriage or relationship, potential problems related to access to or custody of such children, and the potential integration of such children into a new family unit.


Moved by: Rev. Alan Perry
Seconded by: Bishop David Ashdown

That Resolution A077 be amended by deleting parts (5), (6), (7) and (8) thereof and substituting the following:

(5A) by renumbering sections 22 to 25 in Part IV to be sections 26 to 29;

(5B) by deleting subsection 26 b) (as renumbered) of Part IV and substituting the following:

b) The application shall be made to the incumbent of the parish or mission where it is desired that the intended marriage be celebrated. The incumbent shall investigate the application as thoroughly as possible and forward it together with a report thereon to the Ecclesiastical Matrimonial Commission established under Part VI having jurisdiction in the diocese or, in a diocese where there is no Ecclesiastical Matrimonial Commission, to the diocesan bishop.

(5C) by deleting the word “Commission” wherever it appears in section 27 and in subsections 28 a), 29 a) and 29 b) (as renumbered) and substituting the words “Commission or the diocesan bishop”.

(5D) by deleting subsections 28 b) and 28 c) (as renumbered) and substituting the following:

b) On being notified of dismissal of the application, the applicants may, within 30 days after receipt of notice, apply in writing to the Commission or the diocesan bishop for reconsideration of the application. On such reconsideration the applicants may appear personally before the Commission or the diocesan bishop and submit further reasons why the application should be granted or may submit such information and reasons in writing. On such reconsideration the Commission or the diocesan bishop may grant the application or confirm the previous decision. If the Commission or the diocesan bishop confirms the previous decision they shall give reasons in writing which shall be communicated to the applicants through the incumbent.

c) If the application is dismissed and the decision is confirmed by the Commission or the diocesan bishop, or if the applicants do not exercise their rights under subsection b), the application may not be renewed before any Commission or diocesan bishop unless further information is provided.

(5E) by deleting subsection 29 c) (as renumbered) and substituting the following:

c) If the Commission or the diocesan bishop is of the opinion that a prior purported marriage of an applicant did not constitute a marriage as defined by this Canon, the Commission or the diocesan bishop may refer the application to the Chancellor who may, if the conditions of Part III, section 20, are satisfied, make a declaration under that section in respect of the marriage in question.

(5F) by deleting section 29 in Part VI, by renumbering sections 27 and 28 in Part VI to be sections 30 and 31, and by renumbering sections 30 to 33 in Part VI to be sections 32 to 35.

(5G) by deleting subsection 30 a) (as renumbered) and substituting the following:

a) Subject to section 31, there may be in each diocese an Ecclesiastical Matrimonial Commission to deal with applications under Part IV.

(5H) by deleting section 34 (as renumbered) and substituting the following:

34. Limitation of Jurisdiction

Every finding and determination by a Commission or a diocesan bishop shall be expressly stated to be made solely for the purposes of this Canon and not for the purpose of performing any function of a civil court or other civil authority, and shall be confined to granting or refusing permission to remarry.

(5I) by deleting section 35 (as renumbered) and substituting the following:

35. Persons Serving in or Attached to the Canadian Forces

a) This section applies to a person who is enrolled in the Canadian Forces who is serving in the regular forces or who is a member of the reserve forces on continuous duty with the regular forces, or a person who in accordance with the National Defence Act, accompanies the Canadian Forces, and the dependents of all such persons.

b) A person described in clause a) may forward an application under this Part to the Anglican chaplain responsible for his or her pastoral care.

c) On receiving an application the chaplain may forward the application to the Ecclesiastical Matrimonial Commission or to the bishop of the diocese in which the applicant resides or to the Bishop Ordinary to the Canadian Forces.

d) Nothing in this section prevents a person from making an application in the manner prescribed by this Part.

(6) by deleting Part VII (Forms) and substituting the following:



30. The Council of the General Synod, a Commission, a diocesan bishop or the Bishop Ordinary to the Canadian Forces may approve forms for use in the administration of this Canon.

(7) by striking out Section 14 of Schedule B and substituting therefor the following:

14. If one or both of the applicants do not reside in the parish, the procedure outlined in section 26 c) may apply.

(8) by striking out the reference “See Part IV, Section 22c) at the beginning of Schedule C and substituting therefor “See Part IV, Section 26 d)”.

Amendment to the amendment

Moved by: Rev. James Pratt
Seconded by: Rev. John Olsson

That the amendment be amended by inserting the sentence “The bishop may delegate authority to the incumbent or some other person.” at the end of 5B.

The amendment to the amendment was put and -


The amended amendment was then put and -



Moved by: Archdeacon Richard Salt
Seconded by: Mrs. Betty Livingston

That the motion be amended so that in Section 29 Special Cases, paragraph (d) the words “the incumbent’s church” be replaced with “his or her church”

Debate on the amendment was postponed to allow for the mover and seconder to meet with the Chancellor to clarify the intent of the amendment.

General Synod’s Investment Powers

Moved by: Chancellor Ronald Stevenson
Seconded by: Mrs. Betty Linvingston

That the General Synod authorize the presentation of a petition to the Parliament of Canada requesting enactment of a Bill to repeal section 6A of An Act to incorporate the General Synod of the Church of England in Canada, chapter 82 of the statutes of 1921, as enacted by chapter 35 of the statutes of 1951 (second session).

Act 27

0.7% Development Goal

Moved by: Archdeacon Dennis Drainville
Seconded by: Bishop Jim Njegovan

That this General Synod

    1. Affirm the Development Goal of the United Nations for each developed country to contribute 0.7% of its gross national product to Official Development Assistance (ODA) in developing countries.
    2. Request the General Secretary to write to the Government of Canada by June 30, 2004, urging it to act on the 0.7% Development Goal, using the proposal of the Canadian Council of International Cooperation for reaching this goal by 2015:
      • To increase foreign aid by 12% annually until 2009 – an additional $750 million over the next three years to increases already planned
      • To increase foreign aid by 15% between 2009-2015.
    3. Affirm the challenge of the 1998 Lambeth Conference to dioceses and provinces of the Anglican Communion to provide 0.7% of their own resources to fight global poverty.
    4. Request the Primate
      • to encourage Anglicans to give their generous support to the PWRDF and Anglican Appeal, which together with the Partnerships budget of General Synod, represent the Anglican Church of Canada’s financial commitment to supporting international development programs, fighting poverty, and strengthening international and intra-Anglican partnerships.
      • to report to the Anglican Communion by August 31, 2004, through the Task Team on Poverty and Trade, on the Anglican Church of Canada’s contributions to development and poverty work to help give a complete picture of the Anglican Communion’s efforts to achieve Millennium Development Goals.

Act 28

Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect

Moved by: Ms. Karen Rinehart Pidcock
Seconded by: Dean Peter Wall
  1. That this General Synod:
    1. Commend the work being undertaken by Project Ploughshares on “Fulfilling our Responsibility to the Vulnerable: A Study Resource on Intervention” – looking into the question of humanitarian intervention into sovereign states for the purpose of protecting vulnerable citizens. (refer to Report 005, Appendix E)
    2. Request the EcoJustice Committee, during the 2004-2007 triennium:
      • to coordinate Anglican participation in this work
      • to undertake and encourage theological and ethical reflection on this issue
      • to facilitate the use of any resulting materials from the Project Ploughshares initiative in Canadian Anglican constituencies.

Act 29

Environmental Audits

Moved by: Rev. Kevin Arndt
Seconded by: Bishop Peter Coffin

That this General Synod

  1. Commend the work of the Environmental Commission of the Dioceses of British Columbia and the Ecology and Theology Working Group of the Diocese of Ottawa, and note with gratitude the resources produced by those taskforces, the Footprint Files (British Columbia) and Renewing our Relationship with the Earth (Ottawa);
  2. Commend these resources to the dioceses for wider circulation and study in the Anglican Church of Canada;
  3. Request the EcoJustice Committee over the course of the 2004-2007 triennium to encourage all dioceses to develop similar programs, which encourage environmental audits and energy retrofits for all churches and church owned buildings within their jurisdiction.

Act 30

Kyoto Accord

Moved by: Rev. Ken Gray
Seconded by: Bishop David Ashdown

That this General Synod:

  1. Commend the work of the Climate Change Action Network of Canada and its participation in the process through which the Federal Government of Canada ratified the Kyoto Accord.
  2. Request the EcoJustice Committee to call on dioceses to engage in advocacy with provincial authorities to ensure effective implementation of the accord.
  3. Request the General Secretary to write to the Federal Government at the time Parliament reconvenes in 2004, calling on them to seek ways to formulate further international agreement towards additional reductions of greenhouse gas emissions in order to reach more sustainable levels of atmospheric CO2 and other pollutants implicated in global warming.

Act 31

Addition to the BAS Calendar of Emily Ayckbowm

Moved by: Dean Peter Wall
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That this General Synod authorize the inclusion of Emily Ayckbowm, foundress of The Community of the Sisters of the Church, in The Calendar in the Book of Alternative Services, as a Memorial, on April 5, the day of the founding of the community

Act 32

Addition to the BAS Calendar of Florence Li Tim Oi

Moved by: Dean Peter Wall
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That this General Synod authorize the inclusion of the Rev. Florence Li Tim Oi in The Calendar in the Book of Alternative Services, as a Memorial on February 26, the date of her death.

Act 33

Report of the Anti-Racism Working Group

Bishop Susan Moxley and the Rev. Canon Godfrey Mawejje presented the interim report of the Anti-Racism Working Group. Stories of individuals who had experienced racism were shared with Synod. Bishop Moxley outlined three ways in which to bring about racial justice: education, changes in our structure, and commitment to our baptismal promises. The group is working on the draft Charter for Racial Justice in the Anglican Church of Canada referred to it by the Council of General Synod.

Suspension of the Rules of Order and Procedure

Moved by: Bishop George Elliott
Seconded by: Mr. Erik Miller

That this General Synod suspend Rules of Order and Procedure 16c to allow the reception of Resolution C009 from the Youth Caucus.


Blessing of Same Sex Unions (Resolution A134)

Moved by: Rev. Alan Perry
Seconded by: Bishop Ann Tottenham

That this General Synod:

  1. Affirm that, even in the face of deeply held convictions about whether the blessing of committed same sex unions is contrary to the doctrine and teaching of the Anglican Church of Canada, we recognize that through our baptism we are members one of another in Christ Jesus, and we commit ourselves to strive for that communion into which Christ continually calls us;
  2. Affirm the authority and jurisdiction of any diocesan synod, with the concurrence of its bishop, to authorize the blessing of committed same sex unions;
  3. Affirm the crucial value of continued respectful dialogue and study of biblical, theological, liturgical, pastoral and social aspects of human sexuality; and call upon all bishops, clergy and lay leaders to be instrumental in seeing that dialogue and study continue;
  4. Affirm the principle of respect for the way in which the dialogue and study may be taking place, or might take place, in indigenous and various other communities within our church in a manner consistent with their cultures and traditions; and
  5. Affirm that the Anglican Church is a church for all the baptized and is committed to taking such actions as are necessary to maintain and serve our fellowship and unity in Christ, including provision of adequate episcopal oversight and pastoral care for all, regardless of the perspective from which they view the blessing of committed same sex relationships.

Motion to divide the resolution

Moved by: Chancellor Ronald Stevenson
Seconded by: Mr. Percy Tinker

That resolution A134 be divided and that clause 2 be debated and voted on separately from clauses 1, 3, 4, and 5.


By agreement of the House, it was decided that clause 2 be debated first. The Rev. Sarah Tweedale expressed concern with debating clause 2 first.

Motion to consider clause 2 first

Moved by: Canon Robert Falby
Seconded by: Mr. Bob McConney

That clause 2 of resolution 134 be considered first


Debate on Resolution A134, Clauses 1, 3, 4 and 5


Moved by: Canon Robert Falby
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That Resolution A134 be amended by:

1) Adding to section 3 after the word “pastoral” the words “scientific” and “psychological”;

2) Amending section 5 by deleting the word “including” and substituting the words “request the House of Bishops to continue its work on the”;



Moved by: Rev. Canon Garth Bulmer
Seconded by: Archdeacon Dennis Drainville

That resolution A134 be amended by adding:

6) Affirm the integrity and sanctity of committed adult same sex relationships.

Motion to table

Moved by: Archdeacon Bruce Bryant Scott
Seconded by: Bishop Colin Johnson

That the amendment be tabled.



Moved by: Bishop Don Phillips
Seconded by: Rev. Dr. Richard Leggett

That the resolution be amended by adding the words “intentionally involving gay and lesbian persons” at the end of clause 3.

Amendment to the amendment

Moved by: Archdeacon Sean Murphy
Seconded by: Mr. Roger Spack

That the amendment be amended by adding the words “and also to include those who identify themselves as ex-gay or lesbian” at the end of clause 3.

Motion to put the question

Moved by: Rev. Canon Patrick Yu
Seconded by: Bishop James Cowan

That the question be put.


The amendment to the amendment was put and -


The amendment was put and was -


Amended motion A134, Clauses 1, 3, 4, and 5, was put and -

Act 34

Debate on Resolution A134, Clause 2

Motion to defer

Moved by: Canon Robert Falby
Seconded by: Bishop Fred Hiltz

That Resolution A134 be amended by:

1) Deferring consideration of section 2 until the meeting of General Synod in 2007; and during the period of deferral:

Request that the Primate ask the Primate’s Theological Commission to review, consider and report to the Council of General Synod, by its spring 2006 meeting, whether the blessing of committed same sex unions is a matter of doctrine;

That on receipt of such a report, the Council of General Synod distribute it to each province, diocese and the House of Bishops for consideration.

Archdeacon Karl McLean rose on a point of order to question if this was a new motion. The chair ruled that in fact the amendment was a motion to defer.


Moved by: Bishop Michael Ingham
Seconded by: Bishop James Cowan

That the motion to defer be amended by deleting the words “ask the Primate’s Theological Commission” and inserting the words “to establish a special taskforce”


Motion to put the question

Moved by: Rev. Joyce Sanchez
Seconded by: Mr. Al Marks

That the question be put.


The motion to defer was put and -

Act 35

"The deferred section 2 reads "That this General Synod affirm the authority and jurisdiction of any diocesan synod, with the concurrence of its bishop, to authorize the blessing of committed same sex unions."

Resolution A134 - Clause 6

Moved by: Bishop Gordon Light
Seconded by: Rev. Sarah Sugden

That the motion to amend Resolution 134 by adding clause 6 be lifted from the table.


Motion to Defer

Moved by: Rev. David Johnson
Seconded by: Bishop William Anderson

That the amendment by the Rev. Canon Garth Bulmer and the Rev. Dennis Drainville, to “affirm the integrity and sanctity of committed same-sex relationships” be deferred until the meeting of General Synod 2007.


Motion to Adjourn the Session

Bishop Donald Harvey rose on a point of order. He acknowledged that discussion on the issue had been lengthy and productive and moved that the session be adjourned.

Moved by: Bishop Donald Harvey
Seconded by: Rev. Michael Li

That the session be adjourned.


Point of Order

Mr. Ken Gray rose on a point of order to request that when debate resumed, the same order in line be kept for those wishing to speak to the motion.

Point of Order

Sister Constance Joanna rose on a point of order noting that the youth members were at the back of the line. She asked that they speak first when the debate resumed. The Acting Primate indicated that he would take this point under consideration.

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